Tuesday, September 17, 2019

September 17, 2019 Tuesday#Joinedtogether#Lock-In#DelewareNation#SerumRun

Get Faith
Colossians chapter 1  "For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross."  Our Triune God explained in the Father and the Son being one for our benefit.  We have been joined with our God and Savior by the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for you and I - saved forever with God in our heavenly home.  We are blessed.

On this day
1999  It was a Friday and I started out with a bad stiff neck, even after a hot shower it didn't ease up so I called the Chiropractor and stopped in on my way to work.  Good thing he is a friend.  After work I picked Nicole up from Basketball practice and then took her to church.  The High School youth had a lock in to Red Oaks, which I have no memory of, probably because Bruce was the youth leader and Jacki and I were only along for transportation purposes.  We took them (24) back to church for a sleepover after picking up food from MacDonalds.  I came home, didn't have to stay at church with kids.  Thanks Bruce.

1778 - The United States signed its first treaty with a Native American tribe, the Delaware Nation.  I wonder how that lasted.

Nome Alaska

Serum run[edit]

The annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, which finishes in Nome, commemorates the 1925 serum run.
In 1925, Nome was the destination of the famous Great Race of Mercy, in which dog sleds played a large part in transporting diphtheria serum through harsh conditions. In 1973, Nome became the ending point of the 1,049+ mi (1,600+ km) Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. The latter part of its route was used in the serum run.
The sled driver of the final leg of the relay was the Norwegian-born Gunnar Kaasen; his lead sled dog was Balto. A statue of Balto by F.G. Roth stands near the zoo in Central Park, New York City. Leonhard Seppala ran the penultimate, and longest, leg of the 1925 serum run to Nome. One of his dogs, Togo, is considered the forgotten hero of the Great Race of Mercy;[30] another of his dogs, Fritz, is preserved and on display at the Carrie M. McLain Memorial Museum in Nome.  
That's interesting!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  

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