Thursday, September 12, 2019

September 12, 2019 Thursday #Bekind#Family#girlyshows#Anvilocity

Get Faith
Ephesians  chapter 4  "Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you."  This is how our Lord Jesus Christ lived his life here on earth, it is the example he set for us to follow.  A gentle soul who had the power to end everything that was wrong but he chose to show us how to live with the wrong and neutralize the bad in the world.  Your forgiveness is the reward you get for your effort, not because you earn it but because God wants you to have it.

On this day
1995  I had started exercising every morning before work, best thing I ever did for myself.  Mom was living with us and Nicole said she was going to come home for lunch, maybe because Merri was coming over to visit Grandma.  Craig came over for dinner and I was working on crafts for Sunday School in the evening.  Paints a nice picture of family life doesn't it?

1866 - "The Black Crook" opened in New York City. It was the first American burlesque show. Strange name.

Nome Alaska
Gold Pan, Anvil City Square
The origin of the city's name "Nome" is debated; there are three theories. The first is that the name was given by Nome's founder, Jafet Lindeberg, an immigrant from Norway.[citation needed] Nome appears as a toponym in several places in Norway.
A second theory is that Nome received its name through an error: allegedly when a British cartographer copied an ambiguous annotation made by a British officer on a nautical chart, while on a voyage up the Bering Strait. The officer had written "? Name" next to the unnamed cape. The mapmaker misread the annotation as "C. Nome", or Cape Nome, and used that name on his own chart;[6] the city in turn took its name from the cape.
The third proposed origin of the name is from a misunderstanding of the local Inupiaq word for "Where at?", Naami.[7]
In February 1899, some local miners and merchants voted to change the name from Nome to Anvil City, because of the confusion with Cape Nome, 12 miles (19 km) south, and the Nome River, the mouth of which is 4 mi (6.4 km) south of Nome. The United States Post Office in Nome refused to accept the change. Fearing a move of the post office to Nome City, a mining camp on the Nome River, the merchants unhappily agreed to change the name of Anvil City back to Nome.[citation needed]
WEll that is an embarrassment.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sommer and Joan!

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