Monday, September 16, 2019

September 16, 2019 Monday #LoveandJoy#lovefriendsandcousins#Goldrush!

Get Faith
Psalm 66:1-2  Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his name.    That is what we did on this past Saturday as we celebrated Nicole and Kristin's wedding.   The church was packed, 300 plus and the message was love.  Love to God and to one another.  People that hadn't felt welcome to the table, on this day communed.  Love abounded and reached heaven in its joy, I believe.  This is the inheritance we have in our God.  If you haven't experienced this joy, please come and join us in worship so that you too can feel welcomed to the table and loved.

On this day
1997  It is that time of year that I finally have to admit that I do in fact have allergies.  On this day I left work early to go to the doctor, he gave me a script, apparently didn't know I had allergies?  Check with Mom to make sure she and Nicole were covered and then Alice and I picked up my cousin Kathy and went to Mt Clemens to have dinner at Luigi's with other cousins and friends - Pam, Norma, Barb Carol and Kay.  We love our once a month dinners.

1630 - The village of Shawmut changed its name to Boston.  That's good.

Nome Alaska

Now, 1900 and 1907  after the gold rush hit.
In the summer of 1898, the "Three Lucky Swedes": Norwegian-American Jafet Lindeberg, and two naturalized American citizens of Swedish birth, Erik Lindblom and John Brynteson, discovered gold on Anvil Creek. News of the discovery reached the outside world that winter. By 1899, Nome had a population of 10,000 and the area was organized as the Nome mining district. In that year, gold was found in the beach sands for dozens of miles along the coast at Nome, which spurred the stampede to new heights. Thousands more people poured into Nome during the spring of 1900 aboard steamships from the ports of Seattle and San Francisco. By 1900, a tent city on the beaches and on the treeless coast reached 48 km (30 mi), from Cape Rodney to Cape Nome. In June of that year, Nome averaged 1000 newcomers a day.[18]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday Deb S.!

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