Thursday, September 5, 2019

September 5, 2019 Thursday #judgement#Lackofjudgement#Russian#confrontations

Get Faith
Acts chapter 24  "Some days later when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish, he sent for Paul and heard him speak concerning faith in Christ Jesus.  And as he discussed justice, self-control, and the coming judgement, Felix became frightened and said, "Go away for the present; when I have an opportunity, I will send for you"..."  It is scary to find out that you will be judged for your life choices, and you might not want to hear it.  Felix apparently believed enough of what Paul told him to be afraid, if he didn't he would have dismissed him - but he didn't.  In fact, he kept him there for two years and then when Festus took over his job - Felix left Paul in prison.  It sounds like he was not a man of conviction but someone who despite what he knew could not do the right thing.  We need to be strong like the early Christians in our faith or we will face the judgement unprepared.  Paul spent a lot of time in prisons and used that time to convert other inmates and pray for the people of faith.  Let's all use our time wisely.

On this day
1983  It was Labor Day Monday, we were worn out from the boat race in Traverse City the previous day.  It is a long drive down but we came down the day before, mostly to heal so we could get back to work on Tuesday.  We were getting older and finally started considering those things, well, maybe.  We bar-b-qued and Tony and Teresa, Ty and Norma, Red and Wendy? and I  hung out because we were probably all hung over.  It says I had an eye infection, which I got a lot from my contact lens. It is the reason I finally quit wearing them.  It didn't slow me down much though.

1983 - U.S. President Reagan denounced the Soviet Union for shooting down a Korean Air Lines. Reagan demanded that the Soviet Union pay reparations for the act that killed 269 people. 

1983 - "Sports Illustrated" became the first national weekly magazine to use four-color process illustrations on every page. 

1983 - The "MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour" on PBS (Public Broadcasting System) became the first hour-long network news show. 
Wow  lots of news on this day and note Russia and Korea still on top of the news.

Gambell Alaska
On June 22, 1955, during the Cold War, a US Navy P2V Neptune with a crew of 11 was attacked by two Soviet fighters in international waters over the Bering Straits between Siberia and Alaska, and crashed near Gambell, where the crew was rescued (3 wounded by Soviet fire; 4 injured in crash.) The Soviet Government, in response to a US diplomatic protest, was unusually conciliatory, stating that:
There was an exchange of shots after a Soviet fighter advised the US plane that it was over Soviet territory and should leave (the US denied that the US plane fired at all).
The incident took place under heavy cloud cover and poor visibility, although the alleged violation of Soviet airspace could be the responsibility of US commanders not interested in preventing such violations.
The Soviet military was under strict orders to "avoid any action beyond the limits of the Soviet state frontiers."
The Soviet Government "expressed regret in regard to the incident.

The US Government stated that it was satisfied with the Soviet expression of regret and the offer of partial compensation, although it said that the Soviet statement also fell short of what the available information indicated.[8]The Soviet Government, "taking into account... conditions which do not exclude the possibility of a mistake from one side or the other," was willing to compensate the US for 50% of damages sustained—the first such offer ever made by the Soviets for any Cold War shootdown incident.
Gambell and Savoonga received joint title to most of the land on St. Lawrence Island under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971.
The An-24 incident at Gambell, Alaska occurred February 27, 1974, when a Soviet Antonov An-24LR "Toros" (CCCP-47195) ice reconnaissance aircraft landed at Gambell, Alaska.
On August 30, 1975, Wien Air Alaska Flight 99 crashed when trying to land in Gambell. 10 of the 32 passengers and crew on board were killed.  This is interesting in that we are in such close proximity to Russia at Alaska I wonder how many of these confrontations have happened.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! Happy Birthday to Shawn, Gabe, Stacy and Lisa!!!

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