Thursday, September 26, 2019

September 26, 2019 #Godatwork#Carevisits#Politicians#ThechurchinAlaska

Get Faith
Philippians chapter 2 "....For it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure."  The more time we spend in prayer or study, the closer we become to God and the more you begin to sense His presence in your life.  When you are in a relationship with Him you know it and are eager to spend more time talking and listening to Him.  I'm amazed at how often I open the Bible to exactly what I need at the moment, and I smile and know that He is with me.  I would wish this for all of you to experience if you aren't already.

On this day
2011  I had been in the hospital for 3 days and would be in for another 7 or so.  After 3 weeks after my surgery I had a blockage and couldn't eat or drink anything for 7 days.  I sure got thin, it didn't last though.  They put me in a huge room all by myself and it was a good thing because I was seldom alone.  I had visitors all day.  Never pass up an opportunity to visit someone who needs attention, it is probably the best healer of all.

1789 - Thomas Jefferson was appointed America's first Secretary of State. John Jay was appointed the first chief justice of the U.S. Samuel Osgood was appointed the first Postmaster-General. Edmund Jennings Randolph was appointed the first Attorney General.  I wonder what these men would say about all these dishonorable politicians we have now?  Maybe they were the same.  I always believed that they had higher standards and more honorable intentions, but maybe not.



Gold Rush-era Baptist church in Eagle
Russian Old Believers Church in Nikolaevsk
According to statistics collected by the Association of Religion Data Archives from 2010, about 34% of Alaska residents were members of religious congregations. 100,960 people identified as Evangelical Protestants, 50,866 as Roman Catholic, and 32,550 as mainline Protestants.[59] Roughly 4% are Mormon, 0.5% are Jewish, 1% are Muslim, 0.5% are Buddhist, 0.2% are Bahá'í, and 0.5% are Hindu.[60] The largest religious denominations in Alaska as of 2010 were the Catholic Church with 50,866 adherents, non-denominational Evangelical Protestants with 38,070 adherents, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with 32,170 adherents, and the Southern Baptist Convention with 19,891 adherents.[61] Alaska has been identified, along with Pacific Northwest states Washington and Oregon, as being the least religious states of the USA, in terms of church membership,[62][63]
In 1795, the First Russian Orthodox Church was established in Kodiak. Intermarriage with Alaskan Natives helped the Russian immigrants integrate into society. As a result, an increasing number of Russian Orthodox churches gradually became established within Alaska.[64] Alaska also has the largest Quaker population (by percentage) of any state.[65] In 2009 there were 6,000 Jews in Alaska (for whom observance of halakha may pose special problems).[66] Alaskan Hindus often share venues and celebrations with members of other Asian religious communities, including Sikhs and Jains.[67][68][69]
Estimates for the number of Muslims in Alaska range from 2,000 to 5,000.[70][71][72] The Islamic Community Center of Anchorage began efforts in the late 1990s to construct a mosque in Anchorage. They broke ground on a building in south Anchorage in 2010 and were nearing completion in late 2014. When completed, the mosque will be the first in the state and one of the northernmost mosques in the world.[73] There's also a Bahá'í Center.[74]

Of course this is always interesting to me.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  
Happy Birthday to Kellie, Linsey and Amanda!!

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