Wednesday, September 4, 2019

September 4, 2019 Wednesday#Romancitizen#Gaylordmemory#ErieandAtlantic#The Gambells

Get Faith
Acts chapter 22  "Since he (Roman leader) wanted to find out what Paul was being accused of by the Jews, the next day he released him and ordered the chief priest and the entire council to meet.   He brought Paul down and had him stand before them."  Does this sound like a familiar story to you?  It should.  The Romans and the Jews did not believe in Jesus or the Resurrection - this was just another dissenter as far as they were concerned and he was treated the same as many dissenters of that time.  Paul had an Ace in his pocket though, he was a Roman citizen and had to be tried and found guilty before they could punish him for any crimes.

On this day
1982  It was Labor Day weekend and Alice, Merri, Lindsey, my brother Mark and I drove up to Gaylord to my Mom's house.  Alice and I took the girls to town and did a little shopping and later Andy took us for one of his infamous rides down country dirt roads looking for wild life.  We usually saw something, a fox or a deer, enough to keep us going on these rides with him.  It was something we all looked forward to, especially the kids.

1825 - New York Governor Clinton ceremoniously emptied a barrel of Lake Erie water in the Atlantic Ocean to consummate the "Marriage of the Waters" of the Great Lakes and the Atlantic.  Must be more to this story.

Gambell Alaska
The Reformed Episcopal Church had not been able to find missionaries willing to live on St. Lawrence Island, so the building built for the mission was left unoccupied. In 1890, the building was acquired by Sheldon Jackson. He spoke to the Reverend Vene and Nellie Gambell, of Wapello, Iowa, about moving to St. Lawrence Island. Gambell was hired as a schoolteacher and the Gambells came to the island in 1894. They had a daughter in 1897. Nellie Gambell became ill and the Gambells spent the winter of 1897–1898 in the United States, where Nellie was hospitalized. In the spring of 1898 they embarked on a return journey to St. Lawrence Island on the schooner Jane Gray. The ship sank in a storm and 37 people on it drowned, including the Gambells and their daughter.
After their death, Sivuqaq was renamed in the Gambells' honor.  Now that is a sad story.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Gordon and Steven !

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