Monday, September 30, 2019

September 30, 2019 Monday#Philemon#oldhabits#Amazondrone#GambelltoHonolulu!

Get Faith
Philemon   "I have indeed received much joy and encouragement from your love because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, my brother."   Paul was writing to Philemon, who was a Christian that owned slaves.  His slave Onesimus had stolen from his owner and run away, but had now found Christ Jesus and had been saved.  Paul asked Philemon to forgive him as Paul had become close and even calls Onesimus his son.  We are called to forgive one another, regardless of the sin or wrong that had been committed.  It isn't always easy but we are called because so much has been forgiven of us.  Read this letter to Philemon, it is only 1 page long.

On this day
2014  I was working at Fulex one day a week, just entering data.  It was nice, I shared Nicole'e office and had lunch with her.  After work on this day I met Pam and Norma at the Olive Garden  for dinner, which I did once a month.  We have fallen off doing this and I miss it - I miss working at Fulex too.  Times change and we adjust to new things going on.  But I really miss my dinners with Pam and Norma.

2014 - Amazon filed for a patent for a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) configured to autonomously deliver items to customers. The patent was related to Amazon's plan for their Prime Air service.  wow delivery by drone - five years ago they filed!

Gambell Alaska to Honolulu Hawaii
What a culture shock traveling from Alaska directly south to Hawaii!  Hope you enjoy the trip!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Julie!

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