Sunday, September 1, 2019

September 1, 2019 Sunday#Share#Mark'sparty#Saturn#aerialviews!

Get Faith
Acts chapter 21  "After these days we got ready and started to go up to Jerusalem...  The next day Paul went with us to visit James; and all the elders were present."  Acts reads very much like a travel journal - where they went and who they saw.  It is important for us to know how these brave people faced dangerous travel and people who wanted them dead.  They traveled at great danger to themselves to make sure that the story of Jesus and the Resurrection was spread as far and wide as they could get it.  Now, 2000 plus years later we are still trying to share that good news with all those we can reach.  It is the most important story you can hear.

On this day
1979  It was a Saturday and a typical day in my life.  I cleaned the house, mowed the lawn and went grocery shopping - because, I was having a party that night for my brother Mark.  I'm not sure what the party was for, maybe he graduated from STIRC this year. (State Training Institue and Rehab Center)  Mark and his friend Tom came over and some of his friends - Paula, Rita, Jim and family Andy and Adele, Bernice and  Dick, and Aunt Annie.  He had very few parties for him in his life so I am glad to remember this one.

1979 - The U.S. Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to visit Saturn.  wow that's cool!

Gambell Alaska

Gambell, Alaska - WikipediaGambell (St. Lawrence Island), Alaska GalleryGambell’s Children: The Struggle for Survival of Alaska’s ...

Here are some views from the plane window as we approach our destination.

Enjoy the day!   Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Liz, Deb and Paul!

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