Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11, 2014 Tuesday

If you Conga you live longa.  That's what Rita says.  Nice warm up, leg exercises, weights for the arms and then some salsa.  Been doing this one for probably 12 years at least. 

James chapter 3 - Taming the tongue is the title.  It is hard to not lash out sometime, but its worth trying.  All of us have said things we regret.

On this day:
1702 - The Daily Courant, the first regular English newspaper was published.  I can think of a million things that I wish the newspaper hadn't said.  Especially in today's news, they are biased, inflammatory and vicious.  And that's just the readers remarks..
1994 - Aaron and his friend Mike came over for pizza.  This was important to me because, Aaron was 16 and I was divorced from his dad.  It meant so much to me to see him.

Parenting -  A lot of families end in divorce, more then half of marriages today don't last.  That is a bad statistic.  How people care for children after the divorce is huge for the kids.  I, fortunately had little trouble as my husband moved to Florida.  It was tough on them, there is always the abandonment issue.  But even with Aaron's Mom being divorced (from the same guy) we kept an open friendly kids first attitude between all three families.  It doesn't work that way with everyone.

Book Club - Finished the book and met with the club regarding The Nine.  We were fortunate enough to have a judge sit in with us on our discussion.  Feeling very enlightened.  We are now moving on to Blood and Beauty about the Borgias by Sarah Dunant.

New Orleans History lesson:
1803 view of New Orleans, looking upriver from the Marigny Plantation House, by J. L. Bouquet de Woiseri
In 1805, a census showed a heterogeneous population of 8500. comprising 3551 whites, 1556 free blacks, and 3105 slaves. Observers at the time and historians since believe there was an undercount and the true population was about 10,000.[

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Barb!

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