Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March 5, 2014 Wednesday Ash Wednesday

Excuse of the day is, I didn't sleep last night, even after reading that book for hours.

Matthew - chapters 6 and 16 - regarding fasting, charitable works and prayers and tithing (giving to church).  My question is, is there a line between acting like you are totally angelic for doing any of the above or sharing that doing the above are the right things to do.  I have in the past given up a food or drink item for lent, and we usually say "I gave up chocolate for lent".  Lately, it was brought to my attention that changing a bad behavior or adopting a new good one, might be a better way to go.  I think a lot of us use lent to get ready by loosing weight for summer.  That might be self serving (just saying).  Whatever, it is between you and God, just don't go around looking like you are suffering.  Pretty sure that's not good.

On this day:
1943 - the movie Dracula vs Wolfman was released.  you needed to know that right?
1957 - My brother Mark was born
1986 - This was my brothers last birthday, he was 29.  We had dinner at my house for him, his favorite Scottish meat pies and of course birthday cake.  It is strictly coincidental that my friend Don is picking up meat pies for our dinner tonight.  Happy Birthday Mark!

Parenting - Mark, my brother received no breaks in  life.  I was 10 when he was born.  He was 3 when our father died.  He was diagnosed with type 1 Juvenile diabetes at 7 years old.  He had to take a shot if not more, every day of his life after that, and watch his diet.  It is a horrible thing to happen to a child, and I must say, we didn't handle it well with him.  Mom was too soft about making his stick to his diet and checking his blood sugar.   They told us from the beginning that his life expectancy was 30.  That played into how he was treated, and not in a good way.  Despite all that he was a funny, loveable and deeply religious person, thank God.  Still in touch with him.

Book club - The Nine - read a lot of this last night thinking I would fall asleep, but no.  I am at the very interesting situation with the Gore vs Bush debacle in Florida and how the Federal Supreme Court wrongly go involved.  You might want to read this, for political reasons.  But not as a sleep aid.

New Orleans - The party is over. 
The land mass that was to become the city of New Orleans was formed around 2200 BC when the Mississippi River deposited silt creating the delta which would be New Orleans. Before Europeans founded what would become known as the city of New Orleans, the area was inhabited by Native Americans for about 1300 years. [1] The Mississippian culture peoples built mounds and earthworks in the area. Later Native Americans created a portage between the headwaters of Bayou St. John (known to the natives as Bayouk Choupique) and the Mississippi River. The bayou flowed into Lake Pontchartrain. This became an important trade route. Archaeological evidence has shown settlement here dated back to at least 400 A.D.[2 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mark!  xxoo

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