Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8, 2014 Saturday

Did some abs with Tamilee this morning.  She never seems to age, these must really work.

Deuteronomy  chapter 6 - This is just leading into the ten commandments and reminds us to internalize the Bible.  I don't have a tablet or poster or anything of the 10 Commandments.  They are the basis of our law system, you probably know, if not all, most of them.  God tells us to post them in our house, on our head and hearts, write them on your door frame.

On this day;
2004 - Martha Stewart's syndicated television show, "Martha Stewart Living," was taken off the air by CBS and UPN. Stewart was found guilty on March 3 of lying about the reason for selling 3,298 shares of ImClone Systems stock, conspiracy, making false statement and obstruction of justice. (Thous shall not bear false witness or steal)
1998 - I was up at Roscommon for the weekend and went to the little Lutheran church up there.  I like to visit other churches.  I do attend most Sundays, because I like it, but it is actually one of the ten commandments, sort of.  Number 3 is remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy.  You didn't want to hear that?

Parenting - It is a way of life to attend church.  I did as a youth, but then didn't as a young adult.  I went back when I had my daughter.  It is a fine line and an art to get your children to church, if you want to of course.  I taught Sunday School, starting when Nicole was 2 and Aaron was 9.  They had to attend or else they weren't allowed friends in or to go out for the day.  Nicole is still a faithful attender, Aaron only attends on special holidays.  I do believe that families were stronger, crime was down and life was in general more peaceful when life included regular church attendance.  There is also word that it makes people happier, healthier and live longer.  Just sayin.

Book club - The Nine - Affirmative Action.  I am not a supporter, I believe it is racist and whoever benefits does so because they can't do it on  their own.  I do believe in  diversity.  I am happy with black neighbors or Phillipino neighbors.  I love the cultures, the food , the music.  But, I don't believe we should elevate people to a level that they haven't achieved on their own, especially at the cost of leaving someone behind that deserved the spot.  Wrong message being sent.

New Orleans - Great heritage here!
New Orleans was founded in 1718 by the French as Nouvelle-Orléans, under the direction of Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville. The site was selected because it was relatively high ground along the flood-prone banks of the lower Mississippi, and was adjacent to the trading route and portage between the Mississippi and Lake Pontchartrain via Bayou St. John. From its founding, the French intended it to be an important colonial city. The city was named in honor of the then Regent of France, Philip II, Duke of Orléans. The priest-chronicler Pierre François Xavier de Charlevoix described it in 1721 as a place of a hundred wretched hovels in a malarious wet thicket of willows and dwarf palmettos, infested by serpents and alligators; he seems to have been the first, however, to predict for it an imperial future. In 1722, Nouvelle-Orléans was made the capital of French Louisiana, replacing Biloxi in that role.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Anthony!

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