Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13, 2014 Thursday

Going to work today, maybe the gym on the way home?

Isaiah  chapter 40 - Even in our darkest hour, when we have lost all hope - God is there ""but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles: they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not  be faint."  Keep the faith!

On this day:

1993 - The "Superstorm" hit the eastern United States. About 270 people died. (March 12-14)
1998 - My friend Norma and I went to a women's retreat at a camp for the weekend.  It was a new experience for us two Lutherans, as it was a Pentacostal church that hosted this.  Never turn down an opportunity to learn or experience something new.  We really enjoyed it.

Parenting -  They were talking about spanking children on television today.  Even young children still in diapers.  I don't ever recall spanking my kids.  How does a behavior episode escalate to a point with spanking being the only remedy?  Just wondering.

Book Club - Blood and Beauty - now that I am reading it I see little things about the Borgias on TV and on this day Cesare Borgia died.  ?  Looks like a good read

New Orleans -  Lets find out a little more;

Spanish rule[edit]

In 1763 following Britain's victory in the Seven Years War, the colony west of the Mississippi River was ceded to the Spanish Empire as a secret provision of the 1762 Treaty of Fontainebleau, confirmed in the Treaty of Paris. This was to compensate Spain for the loss of Florida to the British, who also took all Louisiana east of the river.
No Spanish governor came to take control until 1766. French and German settlers, hoping to restore New Orleans to French control, forced the Spanish governor to flee to Spain in the bloodless Rebellion of 1768. A year later, the Spanish reasserted control, executing five ringleaders and sending five plotters to a prison in Cuba, and formally instituting Spanish law. Other members of the rebellion were forgiven as long as they pledged loyalty to Spain. Although a Spanish governor was in New Orleans, it was under the jurisdiction of the Spanish garrison in Cuba.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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