Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18, 2014 Tuesday

Went to the massage therapist yesterday, (a gift from my friends) and much appreciated.  Pam is very good at detecting what areas need work.  I am having trouble with my left shoulder and she gave me a set of exercises to do to strengthen and repair that problem.  She said one of the best exercises you can do is downward facing dog.  The massage was wonderful, so healing.  Don't just assume you are getting old - find something to do to make it better.  I have seen many elderly people feel great after a few weeks in rehab after a fall and then exercising, but soon after they quit the exercises at home and go back to the sedentary life style and the aches and pains.  Don't be that person.

2 Corinthians  chapter 2 - Ministers of the New Covenant.  The passage here speaks of Christ's aroma and how we should spread that aroma to others.  vs. 15 "For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing."  The study writer says "When we walk with God, we leave behind a sweet fragrance that can inspire others to follow."  Smells good to me.

On this day:
1673 - Lord Berkley sold his half of New Jersey to the Quakers.  That was quite a property transfer.
1988 - All my life I had an aversion to typing.  I was the editor or the Off Shore racing club newsletter, and would take all the gathered information to Noel to type so I could set it up to give to the printer.  My life is so much better since the computer!  Just for the ability to type!  I am sure it has changed your life too.  Younger people have no concept of the world before.  When did you get your first computer?

Parenting - We have two pcs, a laptop, two smart phones and Nicole's notebook.  Well hooked up.  I do wonder how it will change the next generation, I know how if they don't quit playing games all day on the electronics.  Mindless entertainment, like television for the generation before.

Book club -  Blood and Beauty by Sarah Donant - With 2 doctor appts for Mom today, I should get a lot of good reading in.  I'm liking the book but am astounded by the content.

New Orleans -   I guess this says it all about yesterdays celebration:

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