Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2, 2014 Sunday

A day of rest.  Yeah right, I'll be shoveling snow today.

It is Transfiguration Sunday.  This is where Jesus took Peter and John up on the mountain and Moses and Elijah appeared and the disciples wanted to build three shelters for them.  Then Jesus was bathed in bright light and God spoke to them and said what he said at Jesus' baptism. "This is my Son, whom I love, with him I am well pleased.  Listen to him!"  While we still think that this earth is the great place to be, God reminds us that there is a better place for us to come.

On this day -
1955 - you may not remember him but James Dean died in a car crash on this day.  He was the teenage idol in those days. 
1976 -  My friend Chris, my mom and I were taking a belly dance class at the YMCA.  That was fun and funny.  You can find a lot of ways to entertain yourself.  At the end there was a recital, use your imagination.

Parenting - Last night I was listening to a lady that had joined our table talk about how she was German and it was quite common for children to go out unattended for long periods when she was a child, and thought it was what they called wonderlust.  She was my age and our mothers are the same age, 92, and I was on my own quite often as a child, for most of the day.  I actually found this reassuring, I just thought my mother didn't care where I was, now I know.....wonderlust. 

Book Club - The Nine, Supreme Court, OK after I shovel I am reading as much of this book as possible.

New Orleans Louisiana -  The Ponchatrain has 4 rooms left!  Don't forget its Mardi Gras!  The party is on.  Go get your costume!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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