Friday, March 7, 2014

March 7, 2014 Friday!

Get Started  weight watchers workout.  Segments of 2 minute aerobics and then 1 minute weights.  I have started using 5 lb weights, which makes a big difference.  I can feel my shoulder muscles when I am done, when the 3 lb weights weren't noticeable anymore.  Once you get started, challenge yourself to do a little more.  Don't forget the water!!!

Romans chapter 8 - This talks about the Holy Spirit being a mediator or translator for us to God.  "the Spirit helps us in our weakness".  Like on the TV game show - when you need help, call a friend.

On this day:
1875 - Maurice Ravel was born.  WHO?  He wrote one of my favorite pieces "Bolero"  you might remember it from the movie "10" 
           I guess I didn't take my own advice.  This day in history is mostly, non memorable.  It is that time of year here in Michigan that can be 60 degrees or 3 feet of snow, it is usually Lent and everyone has a cold or something.  Maybe I should do something outstanding so that next year I will have something to talk about. 

Parenting - I like having breakfast together with Mom and Nicole.  We most often have dinner together, sitting at the table, but breakfast is a little more rare.  It is nice family time.  Is it important to your family to have meals together?  Times are different, people are busy.

Book club - The Nine - have moved into the discussion on the death penalty.  VERY interesting.

New Orleans -
French explorers, fur trappers and traders arrived in the area by the 1690s, some making settlements amid the Native American village of thatched huts along the bayou. By the end of the decade, the French made an encampment called "Port Bayou St. Jean" near the head of the bayou. They built a small fort "St. Jean" at the mouth of the bayou in 1701, using as a base a large Native American shell midden dating back to the Marksville culture.[3] These early European settlements are now within the limits of the city of New Orleans, though predating its official date of founding.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Lisa!

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