Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6, 2014 Thursday

Well after ballroom dancing last night I got up and did Country line dancing this morning.  I'm trying to distract myself from this awful horrible snow I think.  But really concentrate on drinking that water.  The first 8 oz glass in the morning is so important, before coffee.

Isaiah chapter 30 - This was a warning to the Israelites to return to God.  It is Lent, there will be a lot of this.  It's the time of year we get called home.  vs 18 "Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you: therefore he will rise up to show you compassion."

On this day:
1876 - the telephone was patented.  Think about that and your now cell phone!  Amazing.
1987 - it was in the 60's can you believe it? I took my two year old out to play.  I'm becoming morose about this weather. 

Parenting - I can't imagine.  A couple on TV this morning had adopted triplets and shortly after she became pregnant and within a year delivered twins.  Now that's parenting.  How would you be able to give each of those children all the attention that as individuals they would need.  They said they do have a lot of help from family and their church.

Book Club - The Nine.  Only half way through the book and need to finish up before Monday.  oh oh

New Orleans -  I love this place!  Let check out some more history:
The city is named after the Duke of Orleans, who reigned as Regent for Louis XV from 1715 to 1723, as it was established by French colonists and strongly influenced by their and African cultures. It is well known for its distinct French and Spanish Creole architecture, as well as its cross-cultural and multilingual heritage.[5] New Orleans is also famous for its cuisine, music (particularly as the birthplace of jazz),[6][7] and its annual celebrations and festivals, most notably Mardi Gras, dating to French colonial times. The city is often referred to as the "most unique"[8] in the United States.[9][10][11][12][13]
New Orleans is located in southeastern Louisiana, straddling the Mississippi River. The city and Orleans Parish (French: paroisse d'Orléans) are coterminous.[14] The city and parish are bounded by the parishes of St. Tammany to the north, St. Bernard to the east, Plaquemines to the south, and Jefferson to the south and west.[14][15][16] Lake Pontchartrain, part of which is included in the city limits, lies to the north and Lake Borgne lies to the east.[16]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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