Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19, 2014 Wednesday

Tammy says "slow progression is the key to long term success"  keep working on the abs!

Luke chapter 15 - Parables about the lost sheep and the lost coin.  God sends Jesus to look for you and bring you back into the fold. "There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."  This is Lent, the time to repent.  God is looking for you.

On this day:
1931 - In an attempt to lift the state out of the hard times of the Great Depression, the Nevada state legislature votes to legalize gambling.  Did it work? 
2003- We were in a countdown to the war with Iraq.  Still not sure if it was useful or not. 

Parenting - was reading back in my journals and remembering a couple, friends of mine, that had taken his younger sister in to try and turn her life around.  The damage done to children in younger years can be very hard to overcome, even with the best support and love available.  Only a lot of effort on that child's part can a bad upbringing be turned around.  I hope she made it.

Book club - Blood and Beauty by Dunant, wow.  talk about a bad upbringing.  Good book.

New Orleans.  sorry the picture didn't turn out yesterday: 

The People And Culture of New Orleans
By Arnold R. Hirsch and Joseph Logsdon
Department of History, University of New Orleans

New Orleans People
Normally when tourists or first-time residents come to New Orleans, they have a difficult time understanding the city. It looks like no other place in the United States. The first puzzling impression usually comes from the appearance of the French Quarter near many of the city's hotels. It is more than just a few blocks of townhouses and cottages standing side-by-side, up against the sidewalk. The size of the district startles even those well traveled in the rest of the nation. Few visitors, moreover, are accustomed to such a melange of people moving at all hours of the day and night in the very center of the city. They quickly learn that bars have no closing hour, that the food is spicy, and that the music is pulsating almost everywhere. And they may also take note that the locals talk funny but seldom have southern

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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