Friday, March 21, 2014

March 21, 2014 Friday!

Did a little ballet this morning.  It is amazing how everything uses different muscles.  This really works the front of the thighs.  There is bar work, I use a sturdy chair, and then floor work.

Matthew chapter 25 - The parable of the bags of gold.  God entrusts us to use the gifts He gives us wisely.  You should read this yourself and see what you think are possible points of the story.

On this day:
1788 - Almost the entire city of New Orleans, LA, was destroyed by fire. 856 buildings were destroyed.
1966 - My friend Chris and I went to the show and saw "Guess Who's coming to Dinner" and "The Party" with Peter Sellers.  I don't remember seeing the first movie that night but the 2nd movie was, I thought, one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.  It is so typically 60's if you want to go there.

Parenting - Mom and Dad's first interest and concern is of course the kids and doing it all for them.  It is also so important for parents to have their own friends to keep them in touch with adult things and the joy of laughing and sharing daily events.

Book Club -  Blood and Beauty, about the Borgias.

New Orleans - Mardi Gras 2014

Can you imagine being in that crowd!  The sure know how to throw a party!  I can hear the music.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Red!

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