Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29, 2014 Sunday First Day of Ramadan

Going out to Christ Lutheran with Nicole. 
Sermon was about Peter and Paul, who both were executed on this day for their great faith in Jesus Christ.  Thank God for these two saints that gave our faith such a great start so many years ago.

On this day:
2013 - I haven't moved in 37 years.  Before that I moved a lot and am happy to be right where I am, but people around me are still moving.  Last year on this day, Jan was moving to Florida so Aaron brought some of her stuff over here to store, then Nicole had to go help Craig because he had moved back from Chicago.  I'm glad its not me, and I hope I never have to move again, I like my spot in the world.  How about you?  Think you would like a change or stay put?
1917 - The Ukraine proclaimed independence from Russia. Deja Vu.

Parenting - Communal child raising.  I was at Sears last night, with what appeared to be many Mom's shopping with kids night.  As I was checking out there was a mom ahead of me with 3 kids and one behind with I don't know how many.  The one ahead said "Oh, I forgot something, I wonder where I left my mind sometime".  I said "You have 3 children no explanations are necessary."  She turned and hollered at 3 other children playing by the escalator, their mom was nor paying attention at the time and waved thank you to the lady ahead of me. (They did not know each other).  I was thinking of that when I got off the escalator and hollered at  two very small girls going for the escalator not to go near it.  Their moms waved a thank you to me.  Communal child raising.

Book Club - Animal Farm by George Orwell.  See how many of these I can get through.

Abidjan - Last day here before we head off to new horizons. 
Much maligned, and for a number of years, neglected, the Zoo National d'Abidjan is being rehabilitated, by a team of local and international volunteers, under the auspices of a Luxumbourg NGO The Association du Calao, and the support of the Swiss Governement.  In 20 years the Zoo saw its population decline from over 500 animals and 50+ species, to 170 animals, and 23 species.  That decline has now been stopped, and reversed, and the Zoo is beginning to shine.  There is still much to be done, but you can be guaranteed an interesting visit. You will no longer leave the Zoo with tears in your eyes, but joy in your heart.
Forest Elephant called CAN

Glad to hear this zoo has been rehabilitated, hate to see animals neglected. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Go to the zoo!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

June 28, 2014 Saturday

Super Stomach Ab workout with Denise Austin.  Super, haha

Colossians chapter 4  - By being a good person you can reflect God's love and and bring glory to God.  "And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ,"

On this day:
2012 - I worked all day and then went to church and did VBS.  The bad thing for me and maybe good for everyone else was I had laryngitis.  Hard to spread the word with no voice, ah Actions speak louder then words. 
1778 - Mary "Molly Pitcher" Hays McCauley, wife of an American artilleryman, carried water to the soldiers during the Battle of Monmouth and, supposedly, took her husband's place at his gun after he was overcome with heat. This doesn't surprise me at all.

Parenting - While out to dinner last night, we were discussing adoption and how wonderful that can be for children and parents that don't have and want a family.  We also know of a wonderful family that even having children of their own, still adopted.  Maybe you are considering it, there are plenty of kids out there that need homes.

Book Club - Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller.  It is a play, I didn't know that.  I'm almost finished with this tragic family story. 

Abidjan -  Almost finished here, where to next?  Don't forget souveniers:

everywhere: Wood carvings

1 more image
You will find wood carvers everywhere starting at a very early age, I found the carvings of the French ,complete with big noses and pith helmets very appealling

What to pay: I don't know todays prices, but remember these poeple have been ravaged by civil war so give genorously
Related to:                 

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

Friday, June 27, 2014

June 27, 2014 Friday

Went for a walk.  Easy for some of us.  Saw a man who seemed to be getting used to the fact that he only had one leg, on crutches, but he had a smile for a beautiful day.

Romans chapter 13 - "Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."

On this day -
2008 - I was up in Marine City caring for my old buddy, Fitz.  When I got up there on Friday he was waiting patiently to go to Country Inn for dinner.  By this time the Macular Degeneration had stolen most of his vision, but he loved those waitresses at the restaurant and loved to have a joke for them.  They in return would have one for him.  He always had the same thing - chopped beef with mashed potatoes and gravy and a salad with French dressing.  It is the simple things in life that can make you happy.  He's gone, but his character lives on.

1969 - Patrons at the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York City's Greenwich Village, clashed with police. This incident is considered to be the birth of the homosexual rights movement. Sometimes we do harm to our neighbors looking for a good outcome. 

Parenting - Had a visit from my cousins son Scott yesterday.  Families can move away or just get so busy that they don't stay in touch.  It was so good to see him and his wife and find out he has two grown sons.  He also gave me his mothers facebook name to get in touch with her, I love social media, just for that, keeping in touch. 

Book Club - Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller -  this won't take long to read.

Abidjan - Did you know they speak French there?
The official language, French, was introduced during the colonial period. This language is taught in schools and serves as a lingua franca in the country.

Enchanté de vous rencontrer. Nice to meet you. Je vous en prie, entrez, enchanté de vous rencontrer.
Please come in, it's nice to meet you.
See 2 More

Bonjour. Hello. Quand je rencontre une personne pour la première fois, je dis bonjour.
When I first meet someone, I like to say, "Hello."

Salut. Hi. Quand je répondrai au téléphone, je dirai juste salut.
When I answer the phone I just say hi.

Bonjour. Good morning. Je dis toujours bonsoir aux gens que je rencontre quand je rentre du travail.
I always say, "Good evening,"to the people I meet on my way home from work.

Bonne après-midi. Good afternoon.No Sample Sentences & Phrases Available

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!    Au revoir

Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26, 2014 Thursday

Kick Boxing with Bobby today.  There are so many different types of exercise, I like to try them all, but you need to find what works for you.

Psalm 46 -  "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."  He says "Be still and  know that I am God".  How reassuring is that??

On this day;
2003 - Nicole kid sat for a family from church, Schreibner's 3 boys.  It was a perfect job for her, they loved soccer and all things athletic.  Except for the fact that Nicole had just graduated high school and had her eye on a lot of summer traveling etc, it would have been great.  Babysitting is still a great job for teenagers during the summer, from what I hear, the pay is great!

1804 - The Lewis and Clark Expedition reached the mouth of the Kansas River after completing a westward trek of nearly 400 river miles.  I guess they wanted a summer vacation too, can you imagine only going 400 miles in one day?  Different times, and no Holiday Inn.

Parenting - I heard of one family where the Mom and Dad each take a day off on alternate weeks, so they can have time with their kids.  That means they each take a weeks vacation time, not together, but it probably saves paying for day care or babysitting on that day.  If you plan something special, like a day to the park or pool, bike riding or a simple picnic you don't have to spend too much, which would defeat saving on the child care.

Book Club - Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller.  I know of this, but have not read it.  Going for a classic here.

Abidjan -  Cuisine
Ivorian cuisine is the traditional cuisine of Côte d'Ivoire, or the Ivory Coast, and is based on tubers, grains, chicken, seafood, fish, fresh fruits, vegetables and spices, and is very similar to that of neighboring countries in west Africa. Common staple foods include grains and tubers. Côte d'Ivoire is one of the largest cocoa producers in the world, and also produces palm oil and coffee

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 25, 2014 Wednesday

Woke up at 3am to the sound of breaking glass.  Not at my house but close.  All of the homes around me are single women, except one and her husband is away this week.  So, I called the police.  They sent 2 squad cars shining lights and circling the neighborhood, I assume they didn't find anything.  Just to be sure I spent the remainder of the night watching out the window.  So, that is my excuse for not exercising, what do you think?

Samuel 1  chapter 24.  This has the intrigue of a good mystery also.  David (of Goliath fame) was hiding in a cave with his men.  King Saul who was looking for David to kill him (you have to read the whole story)  went into the cave to relieve himself. (That's what it says in the Bible)  David had the opportunity to kill Saul, but being an honorable, God fearing man, he only cut a piece of his Saul's robe off to show how he COULD have killed him but didn't.  It is important to know what the right thing to do is, if you have questions, pray.

On this day:
1995 - Nicole and I were up a my friend Christine's summer home.  We took a trip over to Lake Michigan and went swimming, brrrrr and stood on rocks to get out of the water. As soon as I figure out how to put my home video's on here I will start posting them.  That will get your attention. 
Go see all of the 5 great lakes!  Make it a point on your bucket list!

1580 - The Book of Concord was first published. The book is a collection of doctrinal standards of the Lutheran Church. Interesting to us Lutherans. 

Parenting - My neighbor across the street took her screen door off sometime last night.  I believe it was her glass that broke and she is covering for a daughter that had to break into the house.  It is heartbreaking to have already lost one daughter to an OD, this one seems on the same path.  All I can do is support Mom.

Book Club - Ok finished Heir in Exile by Danielle Bourdon from her Royals series.  Anyone got suggestions?  I might go look on my own library shelf for a classic, maybe a Shakespeare.

Agidjan - 
The 2005 Pretoria Agreements, brokered by South African president Thabo Mbeki, formally brought peace and put the Linas-Marcoussis Accord back on track. In October 2005, UNSC resolution 1633 extended the Linas-Marcoussis peace process for an additional 12 months and called for elections by the end of October 2006. In December 2005, the Afican Union (AU) designated Charles Konan Banny (governor of the West African Central Bank) as prime minister. In 2006, realising that elections couldn’t take place in time to reach the agreements deadline, the UNSC passed resolution 1721 extending the mandates of Gbagbo and Banny until October 2007.
In March 2007 Gbagbo and former NF leader Guillaume Soro signed the Ouagadougou Political Agreement in Burkina Faso. The agreement saw Soro become prime minister, mandated elections and the dismantling of the zone of confidence. By the end of 2008, about 90% of civil administration had returned to the north and some courts were back up, running and issuing birth certificates that were needed for voting in upcoming elections. Elections had been scheduled for November 2007 but were postponed to June 2008 and did not actually take place until the end of 2010.
The elections were contested, and Ivory Coast had ‘two’ declared presidents for some time – the situation was eventually defused and former president Laurent Gbagbo is currently on trail at the International Criminal Court (ICC) accused of with four counts of crimes against humanity – murder, rape and other forms of sexual violence, persecution and ‘other inhuman acts’, allegedly committed between 16 December 2010 and 12 April 2011.
Entering politics is seen as a means to criminal ends: “by capturing power, political figures gain control of a lucrative clandestine economic network” (ICG 2004:   Is there a place in our world where the politicians are not self serving crooks?  Are there any politicians that would serve their country for the good of the people? A non paying job that only served the public?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Don't think about politics.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 24, 2014 Tuesday

Plain and Simple stretch!  Takes that cat stretch to a new level.  Are you getting stiff and sore?  Me too, it is good to keep limber.  This video is led by Karen, who looks like a rubberband when stretching.

Romans - chapter 6  This is Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ.  We consider ourselves crucified with Christ and reborn thru baptism into life everlasting with Him.  Through Grace not by anything you can do.  It is a gift from our Father.

On this day:
1993 - Nicole had a softball game.  She was 8 years old and had been playing for 3 years, she was a pretty good player, short stop and always hit when she got to bat.  That's not why all the family showed up.  We were going through marital difficulties and coming to the end of our marriage.  The family, both sides, were rallying around the kids.  Very nice.  But if you are bored on a nice summer evening, look around for a kids baseball game, they are so fun to watch.
1962 - The New York Yankees beat the Detroit Tigers, 9-7, after 22 innings. Now THAT was a long game!

Parenting - In todays world marriage is not always a constant.  But kids are.  If you are going down that road, reach out to family and be honest with your kids.  Don't let them feel like they are reasons for this breakdown in your life. 

Book Club - Finished King and Kingdom - moving on to the third in the Royals series - Heir in Exile by Danielle Bourdon.  Really easy reading.  Nice imagery in an imaginary world.

Abidjan -

The Education System

Ivory Coast Table of Contents The education system comprised three stages: primary school lasted six years, leading to a certificate of primary studies; secondary school lasted seven years, leading to a certificate or baccalauréat. University education, available only in Abidjan, culminated in a university degree. A large number of technical and teacher-training institutions also provided postprimary and postsecondary education. There was no system of adult education, although many adults attended night courses or, in rural areas, received literacy and other instruction via radio. Most public schools were tuition free, although students paid an entrance fee and bought uniforms. Most supplies were free, and some students received government scholarships, usually in return for a period of government employment after graduation. In 1980 approximately 14 percent of primary schools and 29 percent of secondary schools were private. Most of these were Catholic, staffed by religious and lay teachers, with salaries partially subsidized by government funding. Catholic schools operated primarily in the south and east but were also located throughout the country. Religious instruction was not permitted in government schools. Quranic schools were common in the north and were tolerated, but not supported, by the government. Some students attended both public and Quranic schools. The school year was divided into three terms, beginning in September and separated by short Christmas and Easter holidays and a two-month summer recess. The average week consisted of approximately thirty hours of classes, Monday through Saturday morning. Most instruction encouraged mental discipline more than analytical thinking or creativity, by emphasizing rote memorization and oral recitation.  Interesting!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kathy!

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23, 2014 Monday

Good old Richard Simmons.  You haven't lived till you've done Disco at 7 am with him.  You make me feel soooooo real! 

Colossians chapter 3 - You are made brand new in Jesus Christ.  Put on the new you, be honest and loving and kind. 

On this day:
1990 - Mark and I and Nicole went out to Kathy and Ricks for Rachelle's first birthday.  I always felt so at home with Kathy and Ricks families when we were included in the kids activities.  We left Nicole there to spend the night, she was five.  Aaron was always at our house and Nicole felt very comfortable at their home as well. I think this was their home on Larry?  Aaron or Rachelle?

1836 - The U.S. Congress approved the Deposit Act, which contained a provision for turning over surplus federal revenue to the states. Anyone know if this is still good? like we have surplus.

Parenting - I think we (Mark and I, Kathy and Rick) did a good job of keeping our kids close and keeping a strong sense of family with them.  Why (if any) share your animosity with your children about your exes?  What would be the point?  I still refer to Kathy as my ex-wife.

Book Club King and Kingdom  by Danielle Bourdon  OH Oh the plot thickens, the king threatens to have Chey killed!  Read on!


Abidjan is the largest city and the chief port of the country of Côte d'Ivoire / Ivory Coast located in the continent of Africa

Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 22, 2014 Sunday

Sermon -  Today was about, how much are you worth?  We have our standards in this life, its what is in your bank account, how many assets you have.  What are we worth to each other?  Does it depend on how much that person needs you?  Financially or physically, for care and love?  Sometime we don't realize what someone means to us until it is too late.  You are worth a lot in God's eyes, so much that he has counted every hair on your head and saved your future by sending Jesus Christ to die for your sins.  To God you are worth everything.

On this day:
1981 - Sometime keeping a journal is not all its cracked up to be. On this day in 81 my kid brother, Mark, came over for dinner, in the evening I made a call to a kid I was working with from the probation department.  My friend Tony called and told me a friend of his was coming up from Florida with his race boat and maybe I would like to meet him, I did and we dated for years.  All four of those have passed on, at not very old ages.  Life is fragile,  call your friends today.
1981 - Mark David Chapman pled guilty to killing John Lennon.  This was a senseless loss.

Parenting - What is your child worth to you?  What is their health, happiness, education and future worth to you?  Most of us would give it all to make sure our children have what they need.  There are a million heroic stories of parents that have gone they extra mile (S) for their children.  It is worth it to us.

Book Club - King and Kingdom by Danielle Bourdon.  This is a story about a prince with great wealth and a poor girl photographer, of no worth.... well you have to read on.

Abidjan - Economy:
Abidjan which was initially a fishing coastal village, developed economically after the construction of the Vridi Canal in 1951. The canal which connected the port and the lagoon to the sea led to many economic and commercial changes, making Abidjan a major trading sea port for European inland goods. This development also led to a tremendous growth in the city’s population which doubled up after erection of the canal.
A developing country, Côte d’Ivoire's main source of income comes from its export of crops such as coffee, cocoa, and timber. But a major drought in 1983-1984 and a decrease in prices of these crops led the country into an economic turmoil. The country has tried to come out of its dependency on agriculture by diversifying into other sectors, yet 60% of the population is reliant on agriculture.
The people of Abidjan have benefited from the Urban Master plan which has failed in many other African countries. But the migration of rural people and those from poor neighboring countries continue to bend the city’s economy.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 21, 2014 Saturday Summer Solstice - longest day of the year :)

Celebrated the first day of summer with my neighbor's dog, Brownie.  We went for a nice long walk.  It is different walking with a dog, they have different outlook of the neighborhood.  Every yard deserves a good sniff with different results.  Some are a quick walk by, others she had to go back and recheck the odor.  Squirrels and bunnies were of no interest, only what appealed to her nose.  I was taking sniffs of the nice fresh air, summertime, but didn't try the bushes or trees, I left those to Brownie.  Walk your dog today!

Luke chapter 10 - is about Martha and Mary.  Martha was upset at doing all the work while Mary sat at Jesus' feet to listen to him.  The study writer brought up walking as a lesson on this topic.  That today we walk faster on average, because we are always in a hurry.  I started off at a clip this morning but the dog soon let me know SHE needed to stop and smell the.... well you know.  Jesus wants us to remember to stop and spend time with him.

On this day:
1978 My Uncle Jim died in a tragic accident.  I always remember him as a fun loving guy.  I thought to go and see my grandmother that day, knowing she would be sad to have lost her son, and she was, as well as my Aunt Annie, it was her brother.  He was a better uncle then he was a dad to his 9 children, but despite that they all turned out well.  Strong Mom.
1954 - Australian John Landy ran the mile in 3:58. He was the second person to achieve the feat. See what I mean, we are going to fast!

Parenting/family -  My grandmother was 95 when she died.  I loved her dearly.  She had lived most of her life in Scotland or England if grandpa was working there.  She walked everywhere, never drove a car.  She would take me on the bus and we would go downtown Detroit, in all kinds of weather.  It was a way of life, walking.  Want to live to be 95? 

Book Club - King and Kingdom by Danielle Bourdon.  Great summer reading, she just got dumped by the prince.

Abidjan - Abidjan Painting

Check out some of the art galleries in Abidjan This is interesting!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, June 20, 2014

June 20, 2014 Friday New Moon watch out for the crazies

Went for a walk this morning.  Beautiful day.

Psalm 103 - my favorite "Praise the Lord oh my soul and forget not all His benefits" "who redeems you from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,  who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."  Praise the Lord O my soul.

On this day:
1975 - Pete and I went up north with 3 other couples to Pete and June's rustic cottage on their own private lake.  On Saturday we went canoeing on the Rifle River and spent a beautiful day Sunday floating around the private lake on rafts.  How about it Ty?  Remember that weekend?

1975 the movie "Jaws" was released.  I wouldn't swim anywhere for a long time after seeing this, how about you?

Parenting - My neighbor has her two sons, 15 and 12 on a diet.  I give her a lot of credit, they are doing great and will be so much happier, especially at that age, looking better.

Book Club - King and Kingdom by Danielle Bourdon, is a continuation of Heir Untamed.  The heroine, Chey, is really living the good life, they are in Monaco living it up.  Take me away......

Abidjan - 
Abidjan is the economic and former official capital of Côte d'Ivoire (the current capital is Yamoussoukro). It is the largest city in the nation, and the third largest French speaking city in the world. It has, according to the authorities of the country in 2006, 5,068,858 residents in the metropolitan area and 3,796,677 residents in the municipality. Only Lagos, the former capital of Nigeria has a larger number of inhabitants in this region. Considered a cultural hub of West Africa or Africa, Abidjan in the 21st century is characterized by high industrialization and urbanization. The city stands in Ébrié Lagoon on several converging peninsulas and islands, connected by bridges.

Places of interest

The University of Abidjan, several technical colleges, and the national library and museum are in the city.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sights in Abidjan include St Paul's Cathedral, designed by Aldo Spiritom, the Cocody Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art and the Parc du Banco rainforest reserve. Le Plateau is known for its skyscrapers, unusual in West Africa.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 19, 2014 Thursday

Yoga!  Cat and downward facing dog.  Warrior and child's pose.  Glad I can still do these!

Ezekiel chapter 34 - In the old testament, God was the good shepherd, watching over his flock and caring for them, taking them to green pastures.  He always tries to keep us close, try not to move away from Him.

On this day:
2009 - The boss told me to DO THE DEPOSIT AND GO HOME.  like that.  sweet guy.  lol.  So I did and stopped at Carmen and Donna's they were having a garage sale because they were moving to California.  Carmen was my neighbor Rox's son who I had watched grow up and loved dearly.  Now he and his wife were moving away.  sniff.
0240 BC - Eratosthenes estimated the circumference of the Earth using two sticks. Wow!  wonder how accurate that was and Hey!  try to say that name 3 x real fast.

Parenting - The world seemed huge, I am sure to Eratosthenes, but it is a smaller world now.  Except, when your kids and grandchildren move to another state.  A lot of young people have made the decision to move, for climate, work or whatever reason.  It is a great opportunity, but so hard on the parents/grandparents.  Another blow to the family structure.

Book Club - Heir Untamed by Danielle Bourdon.  It's heating up, two handsome men and a haunted castle.  Is there a country called Lavala?  I think its fictional, but it sounds beautiful there.

Abidjan - How about some more sightseeing?

Love this song and great insight to the people of Abidjan and scenery.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Happy! 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014 Wednesday

Did some kick boxing today.  I always imagine myself in some scenario where I am trying to actually protect myself.  Only in my mind.

Numbers chapter 6 - "The Lord bless you and keep you,
the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you,
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace"

On this day:
2006 - Mom was in the hospital after a fall.  That is the biggest problem for seniors, falling.  Last night at dinner with 7 cousins and friends we talked about how I am the only one left with a mother.  She is the last of her generation on either side of my family.  I am blessed.  Now if I can keep her on her feet.
1983 - Dr. Sally Ride became the first American woman in space aboard the space shuttle Challenger.   Women rock!

Parenting -  It is hard when your child marries someone that you aren't on good terms with.  And, then the baby comes and you are accused of trying to do too much, or not showing up often enough.  It is a fine line to walk.

Book Club - Heir Untamed by Danielle Bourdon.  I love when the royals are handsome bad boys.  Mindless entertainment for the summer.

Abidjan Cote d Ivoire:

Hope you can get this.  A little music in French by Sramble.  A little taste of music!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Aunt Teresa (in heaven) and Analiese!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014 Tuesday Bunker Hill Day (who knew?)

Took a walk this morning, don't want to complain, but getting muggy out there, ah summer finally.

Revelation chapter 21 - this describes the walls and doors, the décor, the illuminating light that radiates from the father and Jesus the lamp to light your way.  It is a beautiful description of something our minds cannot fathom as yet, but God has it waiting for you, when you are done here.

On this day - 2003 Its not a pleasant subject, but if you have family history it is important.  On this day my brother had a section of his colon removed due to a blockage, he recovered nicely and says he has no problems anymore.  Mom had colon cancer in 2004 and a section of her colon removed, she has had multiple problems which have resulted in her having a ostomy bag to bypass the colon entirely.  I had a section of my colon removed, due to a blockage in 2011.  I am fine now but watch what I eat.  If you have family history make sure you have a colonoscopy when they tell you to, it is much less unpleasant then what could happen. 

1775 - The British took Bunker Hill outside of Boston.  I told you.

Parenting - I'm seeing the posts about remembering what is like to have the kids home for the summer.  Every summer will be different because they are a year older and have a broader idea of what they can do (and make you do).  I remember most of all how long the summers seemed when I was a kid and how fast they go now.  Enjoy the time!

Book club - Heir Untamed by Danielle Bourdon, easy fast read, good thing their are 3 in the series.

Abidjan Cote D Ivoire_  Lets go here today!

Photo of The Plateau
Ranked #3 of 9 attractions in Abidjan

Type: Neighborhoods
Description: Favored particularly by business travelers, the Plateau is a district of Abidjan with a number of shops and parks.
Enjoy the Day!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 15, 2014 Sunday Fathers Day!

Shared Ephesians chapter 6 with Mom -  Appropriately "Honor your father and mother" and "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."  The Father says about fathers.

On this day-
2003 - I took Nicole and Craig over to church at 5:45 am to leave for work camp.  It was in Indianapolis this year, not a real memorable one.  They liked the ones down south and up in New York better I think.  The point was that they took a week from their summer vacation and spent it doing service for someone else. (And having a lot of fun)  I got to be home, alone, for a week.

1923 Baseball Hall of Famer Lou Gehrig made his major league debut with the New York Yankees.

It's fathers day!  take dad to a baseball game or watch one on TV with him.  1923

Parenting - did a full spectrum of parenting yesterday.  Madison at 7 was in her first dance recital.  The auditorium was full of parents, grandparents and other noisier family members.  There were over 100 children performing yesterday, it was wonderful to see.  I ended the day (after a birthday party for my 70 year old friend) at a graduation party.  Allison will be going off to college in August, another milestone in parenting life.  All true cycles to be celebrated in life.

Book Club - Heir Untamed - Hoping to get a little quiet time in a sunny place in the yard today and read.

Abidjan - Lets have some fun here!

Explore Abidjan

A great place to start your walk
Abidjan is a spread out city made up of a handfull of 'districts" There is not alot to do here but a good place to start a walk (probably the only place) is Le Plateau. I would start at Laza De la Republique and head into the Tourist Information center in the Air Ivoire Building. From there walk up Blvd De la Republique. You will pass the flea market on the left hand side of the road and places to eat. It is a little bit of a grade but not bad..take some water with you. Stay on this road and you will pass the Stadium and it will evently curve around to the left leaving you at the Cathedrale St. Paul..the National museum is a short walk from the Cathedrale. You could make a day of this or at least half of one if you take your time. If you need city slicker cloths - this is the place to get will probably even find a few tailors tucked away in the shops.
Related to:
  • Backpacking
  • Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Joe!                           

Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 14, 2014 Saturday Flag Day! and Betty's birthday!

Did a little ballet this morning.  Got a lot of walking ahead of me today. 

Psalm 34 - "The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry:"  God is an ever present rock we can always depend on.

On this day:
1986 - I have been friends with Ty since 1972 and have shared that many of his birthdays with him.  In 1986 Jerry had a party for him, his in ground pool must have been 95 degrees and he had a huge container of planters punch.  I really don't remember the party, but I'm sure it was fun.  Got another one of those parties tonight, but it is a different world.  I don't do punch anymore.

1777 - The Continental Congress in Philadelphia adopted the "Stars and Stripes" as the national flag of the United States. The Flag Resolution stated "Resolved: that the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation." On May 20, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson officially proclaimed June 14 "Flag Day" as a commemoration of the "Stars and Stripes." I put my flags out today did you?  Go on-  get it out there!

Parenting - Going to a dance recital today.  I can't wait!  Madison is 7 and quite the accomplished, ...well everything!  Her Mom puts everything into her kids, mostly love and it shows.  Looking forward to spending this day with them.

Book Club - Heir Untamed - Danielle ?  Can't put this one down. Very easy read for summer.


Abidjan is the largest city and the chief
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Betty!

Friday, June 13, 2014

June 13, 2014 Friday Rachelle's Birthday!

Went for a walk today, little farther then I have been going.  Progress.  I used to walk a lot farther but I quit walking and just did the video's.  Getting my longevity back.

1 Peter chapter 1   The riches we store up here do not compare with the riches that God has for us in heaven.  We all want to live forever, well God has the best life waiting for you safe and sound.

On this day:
1983 My brother Mark and his girlfriend needed to move out of the house they were renting and into another place.  I hate moving, we did a lot when I was a kid.  Then it wasn't the physical labor of moving, it was leaving everything, like friends, the neighborhood, school, but when you are an adult it is mostly the physical part.  I borrowed the van from work and went and loaded it up with their belongings, with their help, and on the way to the new place, the van broke down.  I called my friend Patrick and he sent his mechanic to fix it.  Thank God for good friends, and he still is.  I have been in my house 37 years and hope to never move again.
1983 - The unmanned U.S. space probe Pioneer 10 became the first spacecraft to leave the solar system. It was launched in March   Now that was an important move,  right out of the solar system.

Parenting - Mom related a story today, which at 92 get increasingly interesting.  She changes peoples names so I have a difficult time splicing the story together.  Along with other subjects she talked about the depression.  My grandmother was a midwife and had gone to a neighbors at the request of the doctor to help the woman during delivery and after with the new baby.  She was there for 2 or 3 days and was supposed to be paid a dollar a day.  The baby didn't live and the farmer wouldn't pay her.  In the same breath, Mom mentioned that my grandfather went to help another farmer reap rhubarb, at a dollar a day.  That farmer didn't have money either, he gave Grandpa an armload of rhubarb.  They would have been thrilled with minimum wage.

Book Club - Heir Untamed by Danielle Bourdon (Royals 1)  a very quick read, very engaging, good summer read.

Abidjan - little more background about this place;


The figures as of 2006 estimate the Abidjanaise population at 3,796,677. In 2006, the metropolitan area of Abidjan had 5,060,858 inhabitants. This population increase can be attributed to the displacement caused by the war (since September 2002). This city has many inhabitants who come to live downtown because they seek employment and safer lodgings.
Demographic evolution
Numbers since 1920: Population without duplication
Abidjan Centre
By 1950, Abidjan had just exceeded a population of 50,000 (at the end of 1948). Reaching a population of a million by the end of 1975, the city grew at a rate of 10 to 12% per year: a doubling every 6 or 7 years. However, this growth underwent a sharp decline due to the crises of the 1980s and 1990s. In the last 20 years of the 20th century, the growth rate dropped to 3–6%. Growth by birth rate was supplemented by migration, with the influx being substantial and the outflow only partly compensating the arrivals. Positive migration, prior to the census of 1988, contributed a growth of about 80,000 with 50,000 people from within Ivory Coast, and about 30,000 from abroad per year. From within Ivory Coast, the migration pattern was dominated by Akan (South-east, 48%), then Mandé (North-west, 24%) and Krou (South-west, 20%). From abroad, the migration was Burkinabes (30%), Malians (22%), Ghanaians (19%), Nigerien (11%), and Guineans (9%).[31] Of the Non-African migration, Lebanese migration exceeded that of Europeans, with the French being largest of these. All in all, non-African migration represents hardly 3% of the total population of Abidjan, which is still the highest in the area.
The last population census in the country took place in 1998. It presented 2,877,948 inhabitants for the city.[32]
The figures for 2006 estimated the population of Abidjan to 3,796,677 inhabitants, while the larger metropolitan area of Abidjan had 5,060,858 inhabitants. This population increase is mainly due to war-displaced since the events of September 2002. The town hosts many people in search of both jobs and a more secure
It planned to hold a new census in 2008.[33]  Big city!  Looks interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Rachelle!  Have fun at dinner! yum

Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 12, 2014 Thursday

Did some Pilates today.  Was going to walk but after dance lessons last night decided my feet would like a day off. 

Ezra chapter 5 about rebuilding the temple at Babylon.  God had stopped the building but now the Israelites thought they would rebuild it to honor the God of heaven and earth. King Darius was asked if this was legal, so they had to go back in history to check.  The study writer titled this study Keep Calm and Carry on. 

On this day:
1982 - We were all pretty excited about a boat called Love It.  It was a 30' Shadowcraft catamaran hull with twin Chevy engines that broke a lot of speed records.  I followed the circuit that year, but on this day the race was out on Lake St Clair.  My friend Doc Hyland took a bunch of my friends from work out on his boat so we could watch the race, they won.  Whether it is boats, cars or horse racing or whatever, we love a winner don't we?
1982 - 75,000 people rallied against nuclear weapons in New York City's Central Park. Jackson Browne, James Taylor, Bruce Springsteen, and Linda Ronstadt were in attendance. Some people were doing something a little less self serving on this day.

Parenting - How do you raise a child that is not self serving?  Do you think todays youth/young people are self centered?  The church does a good job of reminding us of what is important, but if you don't go to church what do you do to keep your child from being a hedonist?  Or does it matter to you?  Not trying to be judgemental, just wondering what the standards are today.

Book Club - Finished Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  On the whole, it was a good book with great historical information about an important time in our country.  Theodore Roosevelt was a truly, interesting person.  This guy was a hedonist.

Abidjan Cote d' Ivoire:


Since 2004, when virtually all prisoners of Abidjan were released from prison, insecurity has increased significantly: increase in crimes and misdemeanors, increased drug seizures. Besides the presence of the police, gendarmerie, the impartial forces (UNOCI whose headquarters are in Attécoubé and a large base to Biétry), French soldiers based in Port-Bouet and the Ivorian army, were created in the 2000 by the CECOS and several private security firms.
In 2007, Permanent Danger by Pierre Laba a film about the laxity of the police against the banditry in major African cities in the image of the Ivorian capital was out in cinema


Abidjan is divided into districts, each of which has a police station. The municipal police and national police are distinguished.
The police's training center (National Police Academy) located in the town of Cocody, where all police are trained. They are recruited by competitive examination held by the police administration. The policy includes several sections, it is the BAE (Anti Riot Squad), whose base is located in the Yopougon north of the city, the CRS (Republican Security Company), whose main base is located in Williamsville (Adjame) also includes a secondary base called CRS2 which is located in zone 4 in the town of Marcory (central capital).
The Force and CECOS (Command Center Security Operations) accompany the police.
The main base of the gendarmerie is Agban (common Adjamé), another in Abobo and Kumasi, It also has training school "School de Gendarmerie" in Cocody and the city.  Good information if you are travelling here. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!    Happy Birthday TY!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11, 2014 Wednesday

Boot Camp.  This video is 5 - 10 minute workout for those who don't have time for a full workout.  I think it is a good way to find out what you like.  It includes Boot Camp which is calisthenics and weights,  Pilates, Ballet, kick boxing and yoga.  You can do them all, like I do or it might direct you to a more in depth of one that you really like.  I know this video is still available.  It is called 10 Minute Solutions by Anchor Bay Enterprises.

Psalm 15 - very short.  It is about honesty, and who may dwell in God's sacred tent.  The bonus to being honest is you never have to remember which lie you told who.  The biggest bonus is of course getting into God's tent,  if you have a problem with honesty, ask the Spirit for help and Jesus to intercede on your behalf for forgiveness.

On this day:
1973 - Do you have a vegetable garden?  I have two pots, one with herbs and one with A tomato plant.  Back in 73, I was 26, but had a small house in Birmingham with a HUGE back yard.  I didn't have time in my busy social life but apparently I did plant a garden that year.  I do love the taste of fresh grown tomatoes.  Maybe I will get another pot.
1973 - After a ruling by the Justice Department of the State of Pennsylvania, women were licensed to box or wrestle. I started wrestling in the 60's when I started dating.  Didn't know it was illegal.

Parenting - I was at a friends house last night and it was a perfect example of how busy our lives are now.  There one son is home from Florida where he goes to school.  He is only home for a few days to see his only sister graduate from high school on Thursday.  Mom would be at school till 9 for scholarship awards, she is a teacher.  Dad was at work, late as usual, then going to the niece to help her sew a dress. (true).  The daughter just got home at 7 from work and the younger brother was up in his room, on something electronic, I am sure.  They are a great family and do find time together.  I think this is the norm now.

Abidjan -

Places of interest[edit]

Le Plateau, Abidjan
The University of Abidjan (1958),[15] several technical colleges, and the National Library of Ivory Coast and National museum are in the city.
Sights in Abidjan include St Paul's Cathedral, designed by Aldo Spirito, the Cocody Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art and the Parc du Banco rainforest reserve. Le Plateau is known for its skyscrapers, unusual in West Africa.
Le Plateau is the business centre of Abidjan. With its gleaming skyscrapers, chic boutiques and outdoor cafes, le Plateau is a favourite place of business travellers. There are many different banks located in the le Plateau district.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014 Tuesday

Had a nice walk today, trying to do a walk every other day, while the weather is good.

John chapter 19 - Pilate felt bad, actually fear, for what he had to put Jesus through.  He knew he was not guilty and when the Jews said that Jesus had claimed to be the Son of God, well he really got worried about his part in this assassination.  It didn't matter, it had to happen for us to have forgiveness of our sins. 

On this day:
2011 - Nicole was living in Chicago and I rented a small gas efficient car and drove there to see her.  It is a long drive, but anyone that does that (unless out of necessity for work) usually enjoys the solitude and rhythm of the road.  It rained most of the way, not heavy but it quit before I got to Chicago.  There the party ended in Friday night rush hour traffic.  I still made it in time for Nicole's softball game.
Jun 13, 1966
The Miranda rights are established  I wonder how this might have changed Jesus's trial.

Parenting - I was just talking to someone that related her daughter had been raped when she was 15.  She didn't tell anyone because the rapist threatened her with ruining her families reputation.  My friend said "he was messing with the wrong family".  They stood up for her and brought the guy to justice, a year later.

Book club - my Nook died from boredom.

Abidjan -

After independence[edit]

After independence in 1960, the old settler town became the administrative center and business headquarters of the Presidency. The axis south of Treichville, towards the international airport and the beaches, became the headquarters of European and middle-class Abidjan. There, in November 2004, focus was on the anti-French riots and looting. The Cocody district, famous for a gentleman embodied in film by Jean Marais, which should be a vast indigenous district according to the colonial urban pattern, became an upscale neighborhood including the presidential residence, the embassy of France, Hotel Ivoire (which for a long time, was the only African hotel to have a skating rink), and since 2006, the largest U.S. embassy in Africa. Large areas have grown popular among these clusters, extended by areas of poor housing and poverty fed by the rural exodus and sub-regional immigration.
In 1983 the village of Yamoussoukro (literally the city of Queen Yamoussoukro) became the new political capital of Ivory Coast under the leadership of President Félix Houphouët-Boigny who was born in Yamoussoukro.
Since 1999, Abidjan has been penalized by the political and economic Ivorian disaster. Since the 80s, despite undeniable improvements and because of the negligence of officials, corruption as well as general degradation of the city of Abidjan has been prevalent. In 2006, the mass poisoning of people by pollutants dumped in landfills are illustrations of an inevitable drama.[16] (case of the Probo Koala).

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014 Monday

Pilates to start the week!  Strengthen those core muscles! or just lay on the floor and wave your legs around.

Ephesians chapter 3 - A prayer for the Ephesians, and you and I.  God gives you so much more, even more then what you ask for. Praise God from who all blessings flow!

On this day:
2004 - I worked for that guy for almost 20 years and every beginning of summer we went through the same ritual.  The AC for the office would never work the first time you turned it on.  They were up on the roof of the two story building.  It was my fault, because I was supposed to leave the bathroom door open 6" for ventilation and that's why it wouldn't work.  I wonder if it works now?  The company would come and charge it and clean it, there were 3 units, but if the door had been left open they would have worked.

1924 - "Jelly-Roll Blues" was recorded by Jelly Roll Morton and his band. This nugget is for Blake.
1958 - Jerry Lee Lewis took out a full-page ad in Billboard Magazine to explain about his second divorce and third marriage to his 14 year old cousin Myra. This is for you Don, remember?

Parenting - What parent lets their 14 year old daughter marry an old rock star?  OH!  They probably needed the money? 

Book Club -- Still Mornings on Horseback.  I am saddlesore.

Abidjan -

Colonial era[edit]

Abidjan boatmen.
Abidjan was originally a small fishing village. In 1896, following a series of deadly yellow fever epidemics, the French colonists who first settled in Bassam decided to move to a safer place. They located in the current location of Abidjan in 1898, and in 1903 it received town status.[15] Their movement was followed by the colonial government created in 1899, although nearby Bingerville became capital of the French colony from 1900 until 1934.
The future Abidjan, situated on the edge of the lagoon n'doupé ("the lagoon in hot water, "future "Ébrié Lagoon"), offered more space and greater opportunities for trade expansion. The wharf in Petit Bassam (now Port-Bouet) south of the town, quickly overtook in importance the wharf of Grand-Bassam, hitherto the main economic access to the colony. In 1904, the rail terminus was located in the Port-Bouet area of Abidjan.[15] From 1904, when Bingerville was not yet complete, Abidjan became the main economic hub of the colony of Ivory Coast and a prime channel for distributing products to the European hinterland, particularly through the Lebanese community which was increasingly important.
Henri Terrasson de Fougères became governor of French Sudan in 1924, and remained the governor until his death in 1931. One of the main streets of Abidjan still bears his name.
In 1931, Plateau and what became Treichville were connected approximately at the position of the bridge Houphouet Boigny by a floating bridge. That year, it was first addressed as the streets of Abidjan. It temporarily held the name in 1964, under the leadership of Mayor Konan Kanga, completed by the Americans in 1993.
Abidjan became the third capital of Ivory Coast, after Grand-Bassam and Bingerville in 1934.[15] Several villages in Tchaman were then deserted. It is particularly Adjame ("center" in Tchaman), located at the north of the Plateau, which is still the leader of the Tchaman community.
South of the Plateau district (the current central district of the city of Abidjan), the village of Dugbeo was moved across the lagoon to Anoumabo, "the forest of fruit bats", which became the neighborhood of Treichville (now Commikro). This area was thus renamed in 1934 in honour of Marcel Treich-Laplénie (1860–1890), the first explorer of Ivory Coast and its first colonial administrator, considered its founder. Instead of Dugbeyo, is the current Treich Laplénie Avenue, the bus station and water lagoon buses in Plateau, and the Avenue Charles de Gaulle (commonly called Rue du Commerce).
The city was laid out like the usual colonial towns as a grid plan. Le Plateau ("m'brato" in Tchaman) was inhabited by settlers. In the north, the city was inhabited by the colonized. The two zones were separated by the Gallieni Military Barracks, instead of the current courthouse.
Near the port and along a petanque, originally named Boulevard de Marseille, facetious settlers who had "borrowed" a street sign of a famous street of Marseille renamed the street Canebière, a sand track. This is the legend behind the first Blohorn oil mills, in Cocody. A racetrack was built in the south of the city that never stops growing.
Le Plateau in the 1940s, the hotel grew and became Bardon Park Hotel, the first air-conditioned hotel working in francophone Africa.
Abidjan's lagoon became connected to the sea once the 15m deep Vridi Canal was completed in 1950.[15] Soon Abidjan would become the financial center of West Africa. In 1958, the first bridge to connect Petit-Bassam Island with the mainland was completed.[15]  Here is some history, please note that this is a French speaking country, I hear even the fruit bats speak French.!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

June 7, 2014 Saturday

Took a walk this morning.  It's the best thing you can do for yourself, for many reasons.  The exercise, the solitude, the fresh air, communing with nature, and checking out the neighborhood.

Psalm 73 - Not one that I am familiar with.  Says something about envy and to remember that God is the ultimate best prize. "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

On this day:
2003 - As a lot of people are doing right now, I had a graduation party for Nicole.  The boy scouts put up a tent in the yard and we entertained over 100 people.  It was a perfect day, and we took a picture
of everyone that came with Nicole and then included it in the thank you note.  It is a particularly
happy memory for me, thanks to everyone again for coming.

1979 - Chuck Berry was charged with 3 counts of tax evasion.
1979 - Chuck Berry performed at the White House at the request of U.S. President Carter. Couldn't pass up these two nuggets of info, together. 

Parenting - In this case parenting is about taking your mom in a wheelchair to the local street fair.

Book club -  tba

Abidjan -

Origin of the name "Abidjan"[edit]

According to oral tradition of the Ébrié as reported in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Côte d'Ivoire,[13] the name "Abidjan" results from a misunderstanding. Legend states that an old man carrying branches to repair the roof of his house met a European explorer who asked him the name of the nearest village. The old man did not speak the language of the explorer, and thought that he was being asked to justify his presence in that place. Terrified by this unexpected meeting, he fled shouting "min-chan m'bidjan", which means in the Ébrié language: "I just cut the leaves." The explorer, thinking that his question had been answered, recorded the name of the locale as Abidjan.
A slightly different and less elaborate version of the legend: When the first colonists asked a native man the name of the place, the man misunderstood and replied "M'bi min djan": "I've just been cutting leaves".[14]  They should change this.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, June 6, 2014

May 6, 2014 Friday

Abs and arms this morning.  Feels good.

Joshua chapter 24 - As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.  I have a knick knack in my house that states this, and I hope we do, we try.  This is the place where Joshua has the Israelites decide which God they will follow, the one that brought them to the promised land or the one of the land they had come to inhabit.  Which God do you worship?

On this day:
1944 - It is D-Day.  How many thousands of young men lost their lives on that beach 70 years ago.  Freedom is not free.  Say a prayer and thank a vet today!
2000 - Nicole had district soccer games, she was the keeper.  It was a great game, they lost, but not because Nicole had not done a superb job of keeping.  Her picture in mid air was on the front page of the Macomb Daily, the opposing coach congratulated her on a great game and many parents from both teams approached me to say what a great job she had done.  Our Pastor Beebe was at the game to watch, remember Nicole?
And on this great day - my Sister Alice was born! 

Parenting -  I know we are supposed to be humble, but on a day like this one at the soccer game, its hard to play down your pride.  It was such a sad loss, they had only lost one game the entire season until this, but it was a great game!

Book Club - zzzzzzzz

Abidjan:  I understand that Wikpedia has been found lacking, so you can check this elsewhere if you want.

Northern Abidjan[edit]

Some buildings in the Plateau
  • Abobo : the town consists mainly of public housing. It has long played the role of refuge for migrants with low financial means. This area has developed spontaneously around the station.
  • Adjamé : Although small in size, this commune is very important for the Ivorian economy, given the number of commercial activities taking place there. Unfortunately, Adjame experiences problems of sanitation. The village Ébrié existed before Abidjan developed. Its market is the realm of shops of all kinds and its bus station is the main crossing bus lines that feed the country and neighbouring countries.
  • Yopougon : it is the most populated commune of Abidjan, lying partly in Northern Abidjan and partly across the lagoon in Southern Abidjan. It is home to industrial and residential areas. The research station ORSTOM, Pasteur Institute and a teaching hospital are established
  • Plateau : the business centre with tall buildings looks very modern in Abidjan. Although the administrative capital of Ivory Coast has been officially transferred to Yamoussoukro in 1983, the institutions of the republic such as the Presidency and National Assembly are still in Plateau. It is the main administrative commercial and financial center of Ivory Coast.
  • Attécoubé : Banco forest, classified as a national park, is located within this commune. A massive shopping complex, probably the largest in Abidjan, has been built there.[11]
  • Cocody : famous for its residential districts (2-Plateaux, Riviera), Cocody University also has the same name (University of Cocody – public institution) and some private universities. Home Television (RTI) is located in Cocody. The President of the Republic resides in this commune. Cocody is also the embassy's district.

Southern Abidjan[edit]

Beach of Vridi
  • Koumassi : This commune has an important industrial area.
  • Marcory : This commune is mainly a residential area.
    • Biétry and Zone 4 are residential areas where many foreigners live
  • Port-Bouët : This commune includes both a refinery (Ivorian Company Refining CRS) and the Félix Houphouët-Boigny International Airport. There is also an established office of the IRD, the centre of Little Bassam.[12] His famous lighthouse sweeps the Gulf of Guinea on several nautical miles.
    • Vridi : the beach area is busy every weekend, although the ocean is very aggressive the "bar" does a little to move away from the shore, a phenomenon widely along the Gulf of Guinea. From 1950, Vridi has become the main employment areas in Abidjan because of the increasing number of factories and warehouses
  • Treichville : This commune is home to the Autonomous Port of Abidjan and many shops. The port area is also an industrial area. There is also the pool of State Treichville (PET), the palace of sports Treichville, the Palace of Culture, street 12, racetrack Abidjan...


The main towns which are near Abidjan are Jacqueville, Grand-Lahou and Dabou in the west, Sikensi, Tiassalé, Agboville, Adzopé and Aleppo in the north, and Grand-Bassam to the east.
The towns of Songon, Bingerville and Anyama were incorporated in 2001 into the Department of Abidjan.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!    Happy Birthday Alice!