Thursday, June 5, 2014

May 5, 2014 Thursday

Did some stretching and fat burning aerobics with Kathy Smith this morning,  didn't get to the weight workout, maybe next time. 

Deuteronomy.  Chapter 32.  This is a song that Moses sang to the people of Israel, there are 43 verses.  I don't ever remember reading this before.  The portion we read for this study was to remember that God is with you, even if you don't think he is.

On this day:
1999 - If you have pets you know.  The first thing you do in the morning is let the dog out and feed the cat.  It doesn't matter what your needs are, they will trip you and kill you if you don't see to their needs first.  We had Toto and Sam the cat then.  Great animals.  Loving and kind.  Pets are definitely  a gift from God, they comfort you if you are sad, demand that you get exercise in walking, and provide a reason for you to go on everyday.  Maybe you need one!?  There are adoption sites going on everywhere.
1851 - Harriet Beecher Stow published the first installment of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in "The National Era."   see Book Club

Parenting - Were you one of those kids "Can I keep it?"  We had pets, Tippy, my Dad's German short hair hunting dog was my favorite.  She had puppies every spring, providing me with lots (10 to 15) of entertainment.  Pets are great for kids IF you make them take responsibility for the pet.  Most often Mom ends up the caregiver and alpha person to the pets.

Book Club - If you haven't read Uncle Tom's Cabin, maybe this would be a good time.

Abidjan -


Location map of Abidjan
Abidjan lies on the south-east coast of the country in the Gulf of Guinea. The city lies on the Ébrié Lagoon. The business district Le Plateau is the centre of the city, along with Cocody, Deux Plateaux (the wealthiest neighborhood and a hubbub for diplomats), and the slum of Adjamé on the north shore of the lagoon. Treichville and Marcory lie to the south, Commune d' Attecoube by its extension to Locodjro and Abobo Doume and Yopougon to the west, and Gbagba and N'Gbotroya (Locodjro) called today Boulay Island in the middle of the lagoon. Further south lies Port Bouët, home to the airport and main seaport. Abidjan is located at 5°25′ North, 4°2′ West (5.41667, −4.03333).[4]


The city has a tropical wet and dry climate (Köppen: Aw) with a long rainy season from May through July, a short rainy season (September–November) and two dry seasons, though rain is seen even during these dry seasons. Abidjan is generally humid throughout the year, with humidity generally at or higher than 80 percent. During the rainy season it can rain continuously for several consecutive days, or intensely for over an hour. The rainfall is abundant at about 2,000 mm per year.[5] The monthly rainfall varies between about 20 mm and 500 mm in January to June and the temperature is almost constant at around 27 °C (81 °F).[6]
The highest record temperature was 43 °C (109 °F) on 27 February 1999, while the lowest record temperature was 0 °C (32 °F) on 11 September 2000.[7]  Sounds like it is hot and humid here this time of year!  Dress accordingly and forget the hairdo.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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