Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23, 2014 Monday

Good old Richard Simmons.  You haven't lived till you've done Disco at 7 am with him.  You make me feel soooooo real! 

Colossians chapter 3 - You are made brand new in Jesus Christ.  Put on the new you, be honest and loving and kind. 

On this day:
1990 - Mark and I and Nicole went out to Kathy and Ricks for Rachelle's first birthday.  I always felt so at home with Kathy and Ricks families when we were included in the kids activities.  We left Nicole there to spend the night, she was five.  Aaron was always at our house and Nicole felt very comfortable at their home as well. I think this was their home on Larry?  Aaron or Rachelle?

1836 - The U.S. Congress approved the Deposit Act, which contained a provision for turning over surplus federal revenue to the states. Anyone know if this is still good? like we have surplus.

Parenting - I think we (Mark and I, Kathy and Rick) did a good job of keeping our kids close and keeping a strong sense of family with them.  Why (if any) share your animosity with your children about your exes?  What would be the point?  I still refer to Kathy as my ex-wife.

Book Club King and Kingdom  by Danielle Bourdon  OH Oh the plot thickens, the king threatens to have Chey killed!  Read on!


Abidjan is the largest city and the chief port of the country of Côte d'Ivoire / Ivory Coast located in the continent of Africa

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