Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014 Tuesday

Had a nice walk today, trying to do a walk every other day, while the weather is good.

John chapter 19 - Pilate felt bad, actually fear, for what he had to put Jesus through.  He knew he was not guilty and when the Jews said that Jesus had claimed to be the Son of God, well he really got worried about his part in this assassination.  It didn't matter, it had to happen for us to have forgiveness of our sins. 

On this day:
2011 - Nicole was living in Chicago and I rented a small gas efficient car and drove there to see her.  It is a long drive, but anyone that does that (unless out of necessity for work) usually enjoys the solitude and rhythm of the road.  It rained most of the way, not heavy but it quit before I got to Chicago.  There the party ended in Friday night rush hour traffic.  I still made it in time for Nicole's softball game.
Jun 13, 1966
The Miranda rights are established  I wonder how this might have changed Jesus's trial.

Parenting - I was just talking to someone that related her daughter had been raped when she was 15.  She didn't tell anyone because the rapist threatened her with ruining her families reputation.  My friend said "he was messing with the wrong family".  They stood up for her and brought the guy to justice, a year later.

Book club - my Nook died from boredom.

Abidjan -

After independence[edit]

After independence in 1960, the old settler town became the administrative center and business headquarters of the Presidency. The axis south of Treichville, towards the international airport and the beaches, became the headquarters of European and middle-class Abidjan. There, in November 2004, focus was on the anti-French riots and looting. The Cocody district, famous for a gentleman embodied in film by Jean Marais, which should be a vast indigenous district according to the colonial urban pattern, became an upscale neighborhood including the presidential residence, the embassy of France, Hotel Ivoire (which for a long time, was the only African hotel to have a skating rink), and since 2006, the largest U.S. embassy in Africa. Large areas have grown popular among these clusters, extended by areas of poor housing and poverty fed by the rural exodus and sub-regional immigration.
In 1983 the village of Yamoussoukro (literally the city of Queen Yamoussoukro) became the new political capital of Ivory Coast under the leadership of President Félix Houphouët-Boigny who was born in Yamoussoukro.
Since 1999, Abidjan has been penalized by the political and economic Ivorian disaster. Since the 80s, despite undeniable improvements and because of the negligence of officials, corruption as well as general degradation of the city of Abidjan has been prevalent. In 2006, the mass poisoning of people by pollutants dumped in landfills are illustrations of an inevitable drama.[16] (case of the Probo Koala).

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