Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11, 2014 Wednesday

Boot Camp.  This video is 5 - 10 minute workout for those who don't have time for a full workout.  I think it is a good way to find out what you like.  It includes Boot Camp which is calisthenics and weights,  Pilates, Ballet, kick boxing and yoga.  You can do them all, like I do or it might direct you to a more in depth of one that you really like.  I know this video is still available.  It is called 10 Minute Solutions by Anchor Bay Enterprises.

Psalm 15 - very short.  It is about honesty, and who may dwell in God's sacred tent.  The bonus to being honest is you never have to remember which lie you told who.  The biggest bonus is of course getting into God's tent,  if you have a problem with honesty, ask the Spirit for help and Jesus to intercede on your behalf for forgiveness.

On this day:
1973 - Do you have a vegetable garden?  I have two pots, one with herbs and one with A tomato plant.  Back in 73, I was 26, but had a small house in Birmingham with a HUGE back yard.  I didn't have time in my busy social life but apparently I did plant a garden that year.  I do love the taste of fresh grown tomatoes.  Maybe I will get another pot.
1973 - After a ruling by the Justice Department of the State of Pennsylvania, women were licensed to box or wrestle. I started wrestling in the 60's when I started dating.  Didn't know it was illegal.

Parenting - I was at a friends house last night and it was a perfect example of how busy our lives are now.  There one son is home from Florida where he goes to school.  He is only home for a few days to see his only sister graduate from high school on Thursday.  Mom would be at school till 9 for scholarship awards, she is a teacher.  Dad was at work, late as usual, then going to the niece to help her sew a dress. (true).  The daughter just got home at 7 from work and the younger brother was up in his room, on something electronic, I am sure.  They are a great family and do find time together.  I think this is the norm now.

Abidjan -

Places of interest[edit]

Le Plateau, Abidjan
The University of Abidjan (1958),[15] several technical colleges, and the National Library of Ivory Coast and National museum are in the city.
Sights in Abidjan include St Paul's Cathedral, designed by Aldo Spirito, the Cocody Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art and the Parc du Banco rainforest reserve. Le Plateau is known for its skyscrapers, unusual in West Africa.
Le Plateau is the business centre of Abidjan. With its gleaming skyscrapers, chic boutiques and outdoor cafes, le Plateau is a favourite place of business travellers. There are many different banks located in the le Plateau district.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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