Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 19, 2014 Thursday

Yoga!  Cat and downward facing dog.  Warrior and child's pose.  Glad I can still do these!

Ezekiel chapter 34 - In the old testament, God was the good shepherd, watching over his flock and caring for them, taking them to green pastures.  He always tries to keep us close, try not to move away from Him.

On this day:
2009 - The boss told me to DO THE DEPOSIT AND GO HOME.  like that.  sweet guy.  lol.  So I did and stopped at Carmen and Donna's they were having a garage sale because they were moving to California.  Carmen was my neighbor Rox's son who I had watched grow up and loved dearly.  Now he and his wife were moving away.  sniff.
0240 BC - Eratosthenes estimated the circumference of the Earth using two sticks. Wow!  wonder how accurate that was and Hey!  try to say that name 3 x real fast.

Parenting - The world seemed huge, I am sure to Eratosthenes, but it is a smaller world now.  Except, when your kids and grandchildren move to another state.  A lot of young people have made the decision to move, for climate, work or whatever reason.  It is a great opportunity, but so hard on the parents/grandparents.  Another blow to the family structure.

Book Club - Heir Untamed by Danielle Bourdon.  It's heating up, two handsome men and a haunted castle.  Is there a country called Lavala?  I think its fictional, but it sounds beautiful there.

Abidjan - How about some more sightseeing?

Love this song and great insight to the people of Abidjan and scenery.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Happy! 

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