Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014 Tuesday Bunker Hill Day (who knew?)

Took a walk this morning, don't want to complain, but getting muggy out there, ah summer finally.

Revelation chapter 21 - this describes the walls and doors, the décor, the illuminating light that radiates from the father and Jesus the lamp to light your way.  It is a beautiful description of something our minds cannot fathom as yet, but God has it waiting for you, when you are done here.

On this day - 2003 Its not a pleasant subject, but if you have family history it is important.  On this day my brother had a section of his colon removed due to a blockage, he recovered nicely and says he has no problems anymore.  Mom had colon cancer in 2004 and a section of her colon removed, she has had multiple problems which have resulted in her having a ostomy bag to bypass the colon entirely.  I had a section of my colon removed, due to a blockage in 2011.  I am fine now but watch what I eat.  If you have family history make sure you have a colonoscopy when they tell you to, it is much less unpleasant then what could happen. 

1775 - The British took Bunker Hill outside of Boston.  I told you.

Parenting - I'm seeing the posts about remembering what is like to have the kids home for the summer.  Every summer will be different because they are a year older and have a broader idea of what they can do (and make you do).  I remember most of all how long the summers seemed when I was a kid and how fast they go now.  Enjoy the time!

Book club - Heir Untamed by Danielle Bourdon, easy fast read, good thing their are 3 in the series.

Abidjan Cote D Ivoire_  Lets go here today!

Photo of The Plateau
Ranked #3 of 9 attractions in Abidjan

Type: Neighborhoods
Description: Favored particularly by business travelers, the Plateau is a district of Abidjan with a number of shops and parks.
Enjoy the Day!

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