Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 24, 2014 Tuesday

Plain and Simple stretch!  Takes that cat stretch to a new level.  Are you getting stiff and sore?  Me too, it is good to keep limber.  This video is led by Karen, who looks like a rubberband when stretching.

Romans - chapter 6  This is Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ.  We consider ourselves crucified with Christ and reborn thru baptism into life everlasting with Him.  Through Grace not by anything you can do.  It is a gift from our Father.

On this day:
1993 - Nicole had a softball game.  She was 8 years old and had been playing for 3 years, she was a pretty good player, short stop and always hit when she got to bat.  That's not why all the family showed up.  We were going through marital difficulties and coming to the end of our marriage.  The family, both sides, were rallying around the kids.  Very nice.  But if you are bored on a nice summer evening, look around for a kids baseball game, they are so fun to watch.
1962 - The New York Yankees beat the Detroit Tigers, 9-7, after 22 innings. Now THAT was a long game!

Parenting - In todays world marriage is not always a constant.  But kids are.  If you are going down that road, reach out to family and be honest with your kids.  Don't let them feel like they are reasons for this breakdown in your life. 

Book Club - Finished King and Kingdom - moving on to the third in the Royals series - Heir in Exile by Danielle Bourdon.  Really easy reading.  Nice imagery in an imaginary world.

Abidjan -

The Education System

Ivory Coast Table of Contents The education system comprised three stages: primary school lasted six years, leading to a certificate of primary studies; secondary school lasted seven years, leading to a certificate or baccalauréat. University education, available only in Abidjan, culminated in a university degree. A large number of technical and teacher-training institutions also provided postprimary and postsecondary education. There was no system of adult education, although many adults attended night courses or, in rural areas, received literacy and other instruction via radio. Most public schools were tuition free, although students paid an entrance fee and bought uniforms. Most supplies were free, and some students received government scholarships, usually in return for a period of government employment after graduation. In 1980 approximately 14 percent of primary schools and 29 percent of secondary schools were private. Most of these were Catholic, staffed by religious and lay teachers, with salaries partially subsidized by government funding. Catholic schools operated primarily in the south and east but were also located throughout the country. Religious instruction was not permitted in government schools. Quranic schools were common in the north and were tolerated, but not supported, by the government. Some students attended both public and Quranic schools. The school year was divided into three terms, beginning in September and separated by short Christmas and Easter holidays and a two-month summer recess. The average week consisted of approximately thirty hours of classes, Monday through Saturday morning. Most instruction encouraged mental discipline more than analytical thinking or creativity, by emphasizing rote memorization and oral recitation.  Interesting!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kathy!

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