Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 15, 2014 Sunday Fathers Day!

Shared Ephesians chapter 6 with Mom -  Appropriately "Honor your father and mother" and "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."  The Father says about fathers.

On this day-
2003 - I took Nicole and Craig over to church at 5:45 am to leave for work camp.  It was in Indianapolis this year, not a real memorable one.  They liked the ones down south and up in New York better I think.  The point was that they took a week from their summer vacation and spent it doing service for someone else. (And having a lot of fun)  I got to be home, alone, for a week.

1923 Baseball Hall of Famer Lou Gehrig made his major league debut with the New York Yankees.

It's fathers day!  take dad to a baseball game or watch one on TV with him.  1923

Parenting - did a full spectrum of parenting yesterday.  Madison at 7 was in her first dance recital.  The auditorium was full of parents, grandparents and other noisier family members.  There were over 100 children performing yesterday, it was wonderful to see.  I ended the day (after a birthday party for my 70 year old friend) at a graduation party.  Allison will be going off to college in August, another milestone in parenting life.  All true cycles to be celebrated in life.

Book Club - Heir Untamed - Hoping to get a little quiet time in a sunny place in the yard today and read.

Abidjan - Lets have some fun here!

Explore Abidjan

A great place to start your walk
Abidjan is a spread out city made up of a handfull of 'districts" There is not alot to do here but a good place to start a walk (probably the only place) is Le Plateau. I would start at Laza De la Republique and head into the Tourist Information center in the Air Ivoire Building. From there walk up Blvd De la Republique. You will pass the flea market on the left hand side of the road and places to eat. It is a little bit of a grade but not bad..take some water with you. Stay on this road and you will pass the Stadium and it will evently curve around to the left leaving you at the Cathedrale St. Paul..the National museum is a short walk from the Cathedrale. You could make a day of this or at least half of one if you take your time. If you need city slicker cloths - this is the place to get will probably even find a few tailors tucked away in the shops.
Related to:
  • Backpacking
  • Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Joe!                           

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