Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 25, 2014 Wednesday

Woke up at 3am to the sound of breaking glass.  Not at my house but close.  All of the homes around me are single women, except one and her husband is away this week.  So, I called the police.  They sent 2 squad cars shining lights and circling the neighborhood, I assume they didn't find anything.  Just to be sure I spent the remainder of the night watching out the window.  So, that is my excuse for not exercising, what do you think?

Samuel 1  chapter 24.  This has the intrigue of a good mystery also.  David (of Goliath fame) was hiding in a cave with his men.  King Saul who was looking for David to kill him (you have to read the whole story)  went into the cave to relieve himself. (That's what it says in the Bible)  David had the opportunity to kill Saul, but being an honorable, God fearing man, he only cut a piece of his Saul's robe off to show how he COULD have killed him but didn't.  It is important to know what the right thing to do is, if you have questions, pray.

On this day:
1995 - Nicole and I were up a my friend Christine's summer home.  We took a trip over to Lake Michigan and went swimming, brrrrr and stood on rocks to get out of the water. As soon as I figure out how to put my home video's on here I will start posting them.  That will get your attention. 
Go see all of the 5 great lakes!  Make it a point on your bucket list!

1580 - The Book of Concord was first published. The book is a collection of doctrinal standards of the Lutheran Church. Interesting to us Lutherans. 

Parenting - My neighbor across the street took her screen door off sometime last night.  I believe it was her glass that broke and she is covering for a daughter that had to break into the house.  It is heartbreaking to have already lost one daughter to an OD, this one seems on the same path.  All I can do is support Mom.

Book Club - Ok finished Heir in Exile by Danielle Bourdon from her Royals series.  Anyone got suggestions?  I might go look on my own library shelf for a classic, maybe a Shakespeare.

Agidjan - 
The 2005 Pretoria Agreements, brokered by South African president Thabo Mbeki, formally brought peace and put the Linas-Marcoussis Accord back on track. In October 2005, UNSC resolution 1633 extended the Linas-Marcoussis peace process for an additional 12 months and called for elections by the end of October 2006. In December 2005, the Afican Union (AU) designated Charles Konan Banny (governor of the West African Central Bank) as prime minister. In 2006, realising that elections couldn’t take place in time to reach the agreements deadline, the UNSC passed resolution 1721 extending the mandates of Gbagbo and Banny until October 2007.
In March 2007 Gbagbo and former NF leader Guillaume Soro signed the Ouagadougou Political Agreement in Burkina Faso. The agreement saw Soro become prime minister, mandated elections and the dismantling of the zone of confidence. By the end of 2008, about 90% of civil administration had returned to the north and some courts were back up, running and issuing birth certificates that were needed for voting in upcoming elections. Elections had been scheduled for November 2007 but were postponed to June 2008 and did not actually take place until the end of 2010.
The elections were contested, and Ivory Coast had ‘two’ declared presidents for some time – the situation was eventually defused and former president Laurent Gbagbo is currently on trail at the International Criminal Court (ICC) accused of with four counts of crimes against humanity – murder, rape and other forms of sexual violence, persecution and ‘other inhuman acts’, allegedly committed between 16 December 2010 and 12 April 2011.
Entering politics is seen as a means to criminal ends: “by capturing power, political figures gain control of a lucrative clandestine economic network” (ICG 2004:   Is there a place in our world where the politicians are not self serving crooks?  Are there any politicians that would serve their country for the good of the people? A non paying job that only served the public?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Don't think about politics.

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