Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2, 2014 Monday

Have a sheet with printed stretches for posture that the therapist gave me.  Did that this morning.  Some of them stretches are yoga moves - triangle, downward facing dog, warrior and then planking, a nice strengthening start to the day.  If you are like me, you are starting to slouch, not sit up straight and paying the price with back aches.  Do yourself a favor and try some of those.

Phillipians chapter 3 - about not looking back, keep your eyes on the future.  "Forgetting those things which are behind.....I press toward the goal for the prize of upward call of God in Christ Jesus"

On this day:
1987 - Mark and I took CPR classes.  I assume this was for Offshore Racing, but it is a good idea.
1897 - Mark Twain, at age 61, was quoted by the New York Journal as saying "the report of my death was an exaggeration." He was responding to the rumors that he had died. Someone must have done CPR.

Parenting - I do remember in the CPR class they also taught how to do children, which is different, and it has probably changed since then too.  Really good thing to know, kids take hard falls, or around the pool.

Book Club - While waiting for me to finish Mornings on Horseback, you might want to look at The Dressmaker of Hkair Khana by Gayle T. Lemmon.  It was very inspiring. Yea ! girls!

Abdijan Cote D Ivoire :
Ibis Abidjan Plateau  
07 Boulevard Roume, 1185 Abidjan (Show map)

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