Saturday, June 7, 2014

June 7, 2014 Saturday

Took a walk this morning.  It's the best thing you can do for yourself, for many reasons.  The exercise, the solitude, the fresh air, communing with nature, and checking out the neighborhood.

Psalm 73 - Not one that I am familiar with.  Says something about envy and to remember that God is the ultimate best prize. "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

On this day:
2003 - As a lot of people are doing right now, I had a graduation party for Nicole.  The boy scouts put up a tent in the yard and we entertained over 100 people.  It was a perfect day, and we took a picture
of everyone that came with Nicole and then included it in the thank you note.  It is a particularly
happy memory for me, thanks to everyone again for coming.

1979 - Chuck Berry was charged with 3 counts of tax evasion.
1979 - Chuck Berry performed at the White House at the request of U.S. President Carter. Couldn't pass up these two nuggets of info, together. 

Parenting - In this case parenting is about taking your mom in a wheelchair to the local street fair.

Book club -  tba

Abidjan -

Origin of the name "Abidjan"[edit]

According to oral tradition of the Ébrié as reported in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Côte d'Ivoire,[13] the name "Abidjan" results from a misunderstanding. Legend states that an old man carrying branches to repair the roof of his house met a European explorer who asked him the name of the nearest village. The old man did not speak the language of the explorer, and thought that he was being asked to justify his presence in that place. Terrified by this unexpected meeting, he fled shouting "min-chan m'bidjan", which means in the Ébrié language: "I just cut the leaves." The explorer, thinking that his question had been answered, recorded the name of the locale as Abidjan.
A slightly different and less elaborate version of the legend: When the first colonists asked a native man the name of the place, the man misunderstood and replied "M'bi min djan": "I've just been cutting leaves".[14]  They should change this.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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