Friday, June 6, 2014

May 6, 2014 Friday

Abs and arms this morning.  Feels good.

Joshua chapter 24 - As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.  I have a knick knack in my house that states this, and I hope we do, we try.  This is the place where Joshua has the Israelites decide which God they will follow, the one that brought them to the promised land or the one of the land they had come to inhabit.  Which God do you worship?

On this day:
1944 - It is D-Day.  How many thousands of young men lost their lives on that beach 70 years ago.  Freedom is not free.  Say a prayer and thank a vet today!
2000 - Nicole had district soccer games, she was the keeper.  It was a great game, they lost, but not because Nicole had not done a superb job of keeping.  Her picture in mid air was on the front page of the Macomb Daily, the opposing coach congratulated her on a great game and many parents from both teams approached me to say what a great job she had done.  Our Pastor Beebe was at the game to watch, remember Nicole?
And on this great day - my Sister Alice was born! 

Parenting -  I know we are supposed to be humble, but on a day like this one at the soccer game, its hard to play down your pride.  It was such a sad loss, they had only lost one game the entire season until this, but it was a great game!

Book Club - zzzzzzzz

Abidjan:  I understand that Wikpedia has been found lacking, so you can check this elsewhere if you want.

Northern Abidjan[edit]

Some buildings in the Plateau
  • Abobo : the town consists mainly of public housing. It has long played the role of refuge for migrants with low financial means. This area has developed spontaneously around the station.
  • Adjamé : Although small in size, this commune is very important for the Ivorian economy, given the number of commercial activities taking place there. Unfortunately, Adjame experiences problems of sanitation. The village Ébrié existed before Abidjan developed. Its market is the realm of shops of all kinds and its bus station is the main crossing bus lines that feed the country and neighbouring countries.
  • Yopougon : it is the most populated commune of Abidjan, lying partly in Northern Abidjan and partly across the lagoon in Southern Abidjan. It is home to industrial and residential areas. The research station ORSTOM, Pasteur Institute and a teaching hospital are established
  • Plateau : the business centre with tall buildings looks very modern in Abidjan. Although the administrative capital of Ivory Coast has been officially transferred to Yamoussoukro in 1983, the institutions of the republic such as the Presidency and National Assembly are still in Plateau. It is the main administrative commercial and financial center of Ivory Coast.
  • Attécoubé : Banco forest, classified as a national park, is located within this commune. A massive shopping complex, probably the largest in Abidjan, has been built there.[11]
  • Cocody : famous for its residential districts (2-Plateaux, Riviera), Cocody University also has the same name (University of Cocody – public institution) and some private universities. Home Television (RTI) is located in Cocody. The President of the Republic resides in this commune. Cocody is also the embassy's district.

Southern Abidjan[edit]

Beach of Vridi
  • Koumassi : This commune has an important industrial area.
  • Marcory : This commune is mainly a residential area.
    • Biétry and Zone 4 are residential areas where many foreigners live
  • Port-Bouët : This commune includes both a refinery (Ivorian Company Refining CRS) and the Félix Houphouët-Boigny International Airport. There is also an established office of the IRD, the centre of Little Bassam.[12] His famous lighthouse sweeps the Gulf of Guinea on several nautical miles.
    • Vridi : the beach area is busy every weekend, although the ocean is very aggressive the "bar" does a little to move away from the shore, a phenomenon widely along the Gulf of Guinea. From 1950, Vridi has become the main employment areas in Abidjan because of the increasing number of factories and warehouses
  • Treichville : This commune is home to the Autonomous Port of Abidjan and many shops. The port area is also an industrial area. There is also the pool of State Treichville (PET), the palace of sports Treichville, the Palace of Culture, street 12, racetrack Abidjan...


The main towns which are near Abidjan are Jacqueville, Grand-Lahou and Dabou in the west, Sikensi, Tiassalé, Agboville, Adzopé and Aleppo in the north, and Grand-Bassam to the east.
The towns of Songon, Bingerville and Anyama were incorporated in 2001 into the Department of Abidjan.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!    Happy Birthday Alice!

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