Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 21, 2014 Saturday Summer Solstice - longest day of the year :)

Celebrated the first day of summer with my neighbor's dog, Brownie.  We went for a nice long walk.  It is different walking with a dog, they have different outlook of the neighborhood.  Every yard deserves a good sniff with different results.  Some are a quick walk by, others she had to go back and recheck the odor.  Squirrels and bunnies were of no interest, only what appealed to her nose.  I was taking sniffs of the nice fresh air, summertime, but didn't try the bushes or trees, I left those to Brownie.  Walk your dog today!

Luke chapter 10 - is about Martha and Mary.  Martha was upset at doing all the work while Mary sat at Jesus' feet to listen to him.  The study writer brought up walking as a lesson on this topic.  That today we walk faster on average, because we are always in a hurry.  I started off at a clip this morning but the dog soon let me know SHE needed to stop and smell the.... well you know.  Jesus wants us to remember to stop and spend time with him.

On this day:
1978 My Uncle Jim died in a tragic accident.  I always remember him as a fun loving guy.  I thought to go and see my grandmother that day, knowing she would be sad to have lost her son, and she was, as well as my Aunt Annie, it was her brother.  He was a better uncle then he was a dad to his 9 children, but despite that they all turned out well.  Strong Mom.
1954 - Australian John Landy ran the mile in 3:58. He was the second person to achieve the feat. See what I mean, we are going to fast!

Parenting/family -  My grandmother was 95 when she died.  I loved her dearly.  She had lived most of her life in Scotland or England if grandpa was working there.  She walked everywhere, never drove a car.  She would take me on the bus and we would go downtown Detroit, in all kinds of weather.  It was a way of life, walking.  Want to live to be 95? 

Book Club - King and Kingdom by Danielle Bourdon.  Great summer reading, she just got dumped by the prince.

Abidjan - Abidjan Painting

Check out some of the art galleries in Abidjan This is interesting!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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