Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 30, 2014 Thursday

Abs and arms today.  Do some sit ups and lift a couple weights.  Soup cans if that's all you have.

2 Corinthians  chapter 3 and 4 - It bothers me that the message is blocked from non-believers.  How can we share the Gospel with everyone if they are blocked from understanding the message.  It tells again how our message is our life.  A picture tells a thousand stories I guess.  If they won't listen show them.

 Keep your prayers going for the Kurdish soldiers, that God is with them.  The Turkish are waiting to see them, to see what kind of arms they have, pray for God's arms to be with them.

On this day:
2012 - I was looking into blogging and just getting started at this.  I haven't opened it up to all the possibilities I could, so I am only read by a select few.  I hope those of you that read it enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it.

1938 - Orson Welles' "The War of the Worlds" aired on CBS radio. The belief that the realistic radio dramatization was a live news event about a Martian invasion caused panic among listeners. What a great hoax!

Parenting - Hope you keep your kids in tonight.  I don't know anyone that allows their kids to go out on devils night anymore.  I did.  We egged houses and toilet papered trees and rang doorbells.  WE did not torch houses or do irreparable harm to anyone, but I guess it had to start some where.

Ethiopia - Last days here, get some souvenirs and pack up to leave for our next destination.
Addis Ababa Neighborhood Shopping Experience in EthiopiaAddis Ababa neighborhood shopping experience.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 29, 2014 Wednesday

Aerobics with Kathy Smith.  I do not originate from a family of high activity.  My family is mostly sedentary and have all the related side effects.  Seeing this makes me want to keep active so that I can be healthy as long as possible and do the things I want to do.  If you have a history of being a couch potato - start slow, even a walk around the block to get you going, but break the habit.  You will be happy you did!

Jeremiah chapter 42 - Was not a bullfrog, he was a prophet.  The people requested that Jeremiah petition the Lord to advise them what they should do and after a period of time the Lord told Jeremiah what to tell them His decision was.  You don't need to be afraid to petition the Lord on your own behalf, but help, well it never hurts.  There are a small number of Kurds from Iraq going to fight ISIS in Turkey today.  They are confident they will win.  Add your prayers to God in their behalf for this act of courage against this evil.

On this day:
2007 - Nicole started work at Moosejaw.  Perfect place for her, clothes and equipment that she could relate to and young people to work with.  It was a perfect fit and in her normal fashion she met and kept friends from there.  That job set her up to get a job in Chicago and then later when she came home and began working at Fulex, she had the experience of warehouse shipping and organizing to bring to the job there.  Now, although she works in the office, a lot of days she is out in the warehouse getting orders shipped with the rest of them.  No job is unimportant or inconsequential, it can always lead to bigger, better things.  Working with all types of people sets you up to many paths in service and leadership.
1974 - U.S. President Gerald Ford signed a new law forbidding discrimination in credit applications on the basis of sex or marital status This was 6 years too late for me.  I had to come up with $800.00 extra because I was a SINGLE FEMALE.  It said so right on the mortgage.

Parenting - I made under $100 a week then.  Mind you houses were much cheaper.  I paid $12,500 for a two bedroom with a basement, shingle sided house with a 1 1/2 car garage.  I was 21.  I had not gone to college, so I didn't have student loans to pay off - or credit cards.  We used lay a way in those days, you didn't over extend yourself.  But I had a tough time coming up with the $800.00, but I did.  I consider that as a woman I had to be stronger and more flexible then a man to accomplish the same thing he did.  Times have changed, for the better I think.

Ethiopia - Few more days here then we move on!  Lets see more of the country:
Ethiopian Tourist Attractions It does have its beauty!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28, 2014 Tuesday

It is so important to keep those abs strong for your lower back.  There are a million ways to keep them toned, find one and work at it.  I did the Pilates with the steel ring this morning.  I need a variety of ways to keep my muscles from knowing what I am doing.  Do what works for you!

Ecclesiastes  chapter 5 - Riches are meaningless.  You can't take it with you.  "Whoever loves money never had enough"    God provides, more to some then others.  We are so blessed in this country, but there are a lot that have little.  Think about sharing something today,

On this day:
2006 - My girlfriends at church met at church to set up for the "kitchen shower" we planned  to supply the new kitchen in our building.  You might think that is like adding more work to an already busy schedule, but it is different.  I have been enjoying the company of girls - Grace Circle, for almost 20 years.  Some have come and gone.  We met last night for desert and Bible study.  It is extended family and I enjoy them all.  If you are missing some involvement, friends or depth in your life, church social groups are a good place to get involved.

1965 - Pope Paul VI issued a decree absolving Jews of collective guilt for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. What do you think about that?

Parenting - I have a deep desire to be all and everything to everyone.  If you need help with babysitting, elder sitting, dog sitting, prayers for better health, moving into a new home, painting, throwing you a wedding shower,  baby shower, birthday party, if you need money for anything I would love to give it to you.  I think about these things all the time, but alas I cannot physically, emotionally or financially do these things.  It is a disappointment to me.  I can't help believe that everyone feels the same way, I know a lot of my friends do and some are very good at accomplishing quite a bit of this.  We can only do so much for so many, but I want you to all know that I want to.  Is that what they mean when they say "she meant well".  It is especially true of our children, we would like to provide everything, but it is not the best thing for them.

Ethiopia is one of the World's poorest countries. Out of a population of around 80 million (2008) people, 35 million people are living in abject poverty. In one of the world's poorest countries, where about 44 per cent of the population lives under the poverty line, more than 12 million people are chronically or at least periodically food insecure.
Most of them live in rural areas with agriculture as their main occupation. With 80% of Ethiopians dependent on agriculture as their main livelihood, severe arid conditions due to persistent lack of rainfall coupled with civil disputes have worsened Ethiopian poverty.

All efforts have been made to improve conditions in Ethiopia but things have hardly changed. The extremely poor people comprise of the small and marginal farmers.  This might be a good place to help today!.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014 Monday

AM Yoga this morning.  Great start to the day!

Luke chapter 15 - Jesus tells of the parable of the lost sheep.  WE are the lost sheep.  The angels in heaven rejoice when we repent.  Make an angels day today!

On this day:
2005 - After work I went to the hospital to see my boss.  He wasn't happy to see me.  He had a double heart bypass and was lucky to be alive.  His daughter was the only one that stayed with him at the hospital.  He hasn't changed any of his lifestyle.  I hear he is in worse shape than before.  Do you know someone?  Usually a guy, that has health issues that have spiraled out of control?  I know quite a few of them.  Wish we had a magic pill to fix that.  Wish they would listen to reason.

1904 - The New York subway system officially opened. It was the first rapid-transit subway system in America. It is too bad that Detroit never expanded  the mass transit system to more then buses.  Maybe now with all the open space in Detroit they should look into it.  I realize Detroit is all about cars, but everyone that can have one, has one now.  Lets move ahead.

Parenting - Cheers to my daughter that has worked so hard the last week, both at her job and at home getting the bedrooms switched.  We were both so tired on Saturday after moving all the dressers and moms bed, that at the end after trying to get the loft into the downstairs bedroom, we collapsed.  I went out and got us each a beer and with the loft frame wedged in my bookshelf, outside the bedroom and the other two legs lodged in the bedroom closet, we were done.  Don and Jameson came to our rescue and saved the day. Thanks Nicole for all your hard work! And thanks to Don and Jameson.


Sports and recreation

Ethiopia is best known for its excellence in track events, and the international triumphs of Ethiopian runners have lifted the spirits of a people deeply aggrieved by the effects of political conflicts, social upheaval, and environmental disasters. The country’s Olympic debut came at the 1956 Melbourne Games, but it was Abebe Bikila’s epic barefooted Olympic marathon victory through the streets of Rome in 1960 that thrust Ethiopian athletes into the global sporting limelight. By winning at the 1964 Tokyo Games (this time wearing shoes), he became the first athlete to win consecutive Olympic marathons. At the 1968 Mexico City Games, Ethiopia claimed a third consecutive marathon gold on the performance of Mamo Wolde. Miruts Yifter won gold medals in the men’s 5,000- and 10,000-metre events at the 1980 Moscow Games. (Ethiopia joined boycotts of both the 1976 and 1984 Summer Games.) Haile Gebrselassie was the dominant long-distance runner of the 1990s and captured the gold medal in the 10,000-metre events at both the 1996 Atlanta Games and the 2000 Sydney Games. Millon Wolde and Gezanhegne Abera also took gold medals at the Sydney Games, in the 5,000-metre race and the marathon, respectively. Kenenisa Bekele dominated in the 2000s, taking the gold medal in the 10,000-metre race in the 2004 Athens Games and in the 5,000-metre and 10,000-metre events at the 2008 Beijing Games.  Everyone is good at something!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, October 24, 2014

October 24, 2014 Friday

Still up in Roscommon with limited exercise possibilities.  Did the sheet again Plank, Downward Dog, warrior etc.  Have to do something, sitting is killing my back.  Went for a drive up to Gaylord yesterday.  Too much sitting.

Titus - Was a young Pastor, sent out by Paul.  He speaks here of your life is your message. What message do you give of your self?  Let me think about that myself.

On this day:
2001 - The U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation that gave police the power to secretly search homes, tap all of a person's telephone conversation and track people's use of the Internet. This happened after the bombings of the world trade center and the pentagon, and the hero plane.  Do we feel put upon?  That our privacy is compromised?  I'm not worried about it, I have nothing to hide.  I feel I would bore someone to death if they were watching my habits.  Except maybe the traveling on line, they might wonder about that.  How about you?

Parenting - Heaven knows what the future brings for the next generation.  Life as I knew it has changed dramatically.  They will have to adjust and be party to whatever this life deals them.  I pray that the basics of Christianity are a  substantial part of the future.h




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Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23, 2014 ThursdayOnf

Will definately get a walk in later today.  It is chilly up here but very refreshing and great pine smell.

Psalm 139 - the last part of the reading from yesterday.  Here, David is begging to be protected from his enemies, asking God to kill them and save him.  Thankfully we have Jesus that came along and told us to avoid confrontation and love our enemies.  How is that working for you?  We need to work harder at living our% lives in peace to achieve what God wanted us to be here, so we can be with him forever.

On this day:
Taking Mom up to Gaylord today to see her old house.  She talks about it all the time.  When you have such happy memories of a place it is nice to go and revisit it.  LIfe is 99% memory and 1% now. I like to remember.

1984 the NBC nightly news reported on the horrible drought in Ethiopia.

Book - Had my brother read some of the book.  He said it was good, maybe he was just being nice.


Holy Trinity Cathedral photographWhilst there are a diverse assortment of tourist attractions spread all over Ethiopia, it is fair to say that some really do stand out from the crowd. InAddis Ababa, St. George Cathedral is a particularly popular attraction and is known for its beautiful architecture.

In north Ethiopia, the city of Axum is famous for its magnificent Old Cathedral of St. Mary of Zion and Treasury, which is thought to be country's oldest church. Further tourist attractions await in the city of Gondar, which is also located on the northerly side of Ethiopia and is home to the much-admired Royal Enclosure (Fasil Ghebbi).

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 22, 2014 Wednesday

Have a sheet of exercises the physical therapist gave me.  Some help with range of arm motions, that really help and then there are some good standards, planking, warrior, downward facing dog and the triangle pose.  It is important to stay agile.  Don't sit!

Read from Psalm 139 - Here it talks about how God is not effected by the dark, He can see perfectly clear in the dark.  We on the other hand are afraid of what we can't see and in contrast will try to hide in the dark from what we fear.  God sees you and knows where you are. Thats not scary.

On this day:
Writing this book has conjured up a lot of old memories.  Life is interesting, yes a lot is humdrum, but everyday can provide a smile or sense of nostalgia.

1975 - Air Force Technical Sargeant Leonard Matvolich was discharged for publically announcing his homosexuality.  His tombstone reads "A gay Vietnam veteran - When I was in the military they gave me a medal for killing two men and discharged me for loving one."

Parenting - Walking in the dark - can be scary especially if you are at Michi lu ca, the camp that is deep woods and deep ravines, heavy wooded areas and lakes.  A place where  people walk in the dark and are brought to faith.  God helps you find your way, but up there a flashlight helps.

President: Mulatu Teshome Wirtu (2013)
Prime Minister: Hailemariam Desalegn (2012)
Land area: 432,310 sq mi (1,119,683 sq km); total area: 435,186 sq mi (1,127,127 sq km)
Population (2012 est.): 93,815,992 (growth rate: 3.18%); birth rate: 42.59/1000; infant mortality rate: 75.29/1000; life expectancy: 56.56; density per sq km: 69
Monetary unit: Birr
Flag of Ethiopia
  1. Ethiopia Main Page
  2. Mengistu Leads a Campaign of "Red Terror"
  3. War with Eritrea
  4. Ethiopia Lends Military Support to Neighbor Somalia
  5. Prime Minister Meles Zenawi Dies
  6. Mulatu Teshome Wirtu Named Fourth President

Read more: Ethiopia: Maps, History, Geography, Government, Culture, Facts, Guide & Travel/Holidays/Cities | Infoplease.com

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October 21,2014 Tuesday

Out of my element, maybe get a walk in if it stops raining.  Problem with not being home is you are away from your routine.  Being up here, with sedentary people is hard to not be the same.

Luke chapter 5 - Jesus came to save the sinners and the sick, the righteous and well don't need him.  We are not always well and righteous, we all need him.

On this day:
I can do an update  Last year on this day I mentioned it was Millie's birthday and we had gone to her party she was 90.  She is 95 now so there have been some changes.  Chris did sell Millie's  house and has her living with her.  Chris's husband Steve passed a couple years ago and although Millie is her mother in law, she is still her Mom and she will take care of her.  That is what family does.

1849 - The first tattoed man was put on exhibition in Franklin Theater in New York.  Not much attraction anymore, look around.

Parenting -   Our cat is so spoiled. like a two year old toddler.  Now here I have left him, home alone, for 5 days.  Nicole says he only bit her once last night.  I have traded for the cat here, Charley, who walks around the whole night screaming for HIS mother who is on a cruise.  How did this happen?

Book - brought my writing up here to have my brother add to the memories.  Not sure if its a good idea, but I guess I'll find out.

Go figure  66 degrees and partly cloudy today.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Hey Nicole I did it!

Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014 Monday

Pilates today.  This is the Pilates for weight loss.  I like the workout and the ocean scenery.

Proverbs chapter 15 - Good advice about watching what you say so you don't regret it later.

On this day;
1976 I lived in Birmingham and quite often worked two jobs to make ends meet.  I started working the hatcheck room at the Scotch and Sirloin along with my day job at Quality.  It was a very lucrative job until the owner found out how lucrative it was and made me start sharing with the house.  Not quite as lucrative but still worth while.

1774 - The new Continental Congress, the governing body of America’s colonies, passed an order proclaiming that all citizens of the colonies "discountenance and discourage all horse racing and all kinds of gaming, cock fighting, exhibitions of shows, plays and other expensive diversions and entertainment." This couldn't have lasted long, we love our vices too much.  surprised they didn't all get back on the boat and go back to Europe.

Parenting - Going up to spend the week with my brother.  Taking Mom too of course.  My sister in law, Alice went on a cruise with her girl friends and Andy is ok but better if someone is up there.  It is a beautiful time of year to go up there, hopefully we will have some decent weather to at least take a ride up to Gaylord or somewhere.  Going to pick Andy's brain on history from the 60's too, for my book.  Wish me luck with the laptop.


Ethiopian cuisine (Amharic: የኢትዮጵያ ምግብ) characteristically consists of vegetable and often very spicy meat dishes, usually in the form of wat (also w'et or wot), a thick stew, served atop injera, a large sourdough flatbread,[1] which is about 50 centimeters (20 inches) in diameter and made out of fermented teff flour.[1] Ethiopians eat exclusively with their right hands, using pieces of injera to pick up bites of entrées and side dishes.[1] Utensils are rarely used with Ethiopian cuisine.
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church prescribes a number of fasting (tsom Ge'ez: ጾም ṣōm) periods, including Wednesdays, Fridays, and the entire Lenten season; so Ethiopian cuisine contains many dishes that are vegan.[2]
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This meal, consisting of injera and several kinds of wat (stew), is typical of Ethiopian cuisine.   We are going to Blue Nile in Ferndale to sample this again.  It is good!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 19, 2014 Sunday

Matthew chapter 7 - The parable of the wise and foolish builders.  Wouldn't it have been great to sit on the hillside and listen to Jesus tell these stories himself? 

On this day:
1973 - I had bought two houses by the time I was 25.  The first one was in Detroit and I let Don have the house after the divorce.  The second house was a nice little house in Birmingham.  My friend Waynette moved in with me for a while and then decided she wanted her own house.  On this day we went with the real estate agent and looked at the house on 14 Mile that she bought.  It was quite a feat in those days for young single women to purchase homes!  Yay us!

1998 - Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson got his boxing license back after he had lost it for biting Evander Holyfield's ear during a fight. did his ear grow back?

Parenting - The discussion on TV was about the teenage girl that was an honor roll student that got kicked out of school for the rest of her senior year for carrying a knife in her purse.  Here are some discussion points.  If she had stabbed someone, even in self defense would the school have come under fire?  Is it important how that knife came into her possession?  Was the punishment too severe? or not?  Was there a rule on the books already about this behavior?

Book writing - I can tell you that some laws were much more relaxed when I was a kid growing up and some punishments were much more punitive.  If you got in trouble there is an excellent chance you would catch hell and never have an opportunity to sue anyone.  Good conversation starter there too. 

Ethiopia:  Crime and punishment
Although Ethiopians have long depended on written laws, the criminal legal system observed at the time of the 1974 revolution was of relatively recent origin. The first integrated legal code, the Fetha Nagast (Law of Kings), was translated from Arabic in the mid-fifteenth century. Attributed to a thirteenth-century Egyptian Coptic scholar, it was inspired by the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament), the New Testament, canons of the Christians' early church councils, Roman civil law, and tenets of Quranic law. However, the Fetha Nagast applied only to Christians. Muslims who became subject to Ethiopian rule through conquest continued to be judged in their own courts according to sharia law (see Islam, ch. 2). Also, outside the ordinary judicial system, clan and tribal courts exercised unofficial but effective coercive powers, and people rarely appealed their decisions to regular courts.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

October 18, 2014 Saturday Islamic New Year

Did some weight lifting and lunges.  Glad that's over.

1 Samuel  chapter 20 - Had to go back and read more background on this to understand it.  Good friends will find a way to take care of each other.  Our other best friend is Jesus.

On this day:
1967 - (yep my journals go back this far) My fiancée Don, had a cold, so I went to his house.  (?)  I took my Ouija board. Do you remember those?  Don's mom was Hungarian and believed in that stuff.  We always asked "who and when will I get married?"  "How many children will I have?"  I don't think it was ever right, but it sure freaked us out how it would move across the board didn't it?  Mine was up in the attic for a long time till I worked up the courage to throw it out.  Someone told me it was bad luck to get rid of it.  such nonsense.

1967 - The American League granted permission for the A's to move to Oakland. Also, new franchises were awarded to Kansas City and Seattle. Must have been a slow day for important news.

Parenting - Friends of Nicole's are getting married at Pastor Beebe's church today.  They had a hard time getting a church because Blake is a self acclaimed atheist.  I'm looking for help here, prayers that God will give him a big THWAP in the back of the head during the service (ala Gibbs style).
God Bless Pastor Beebe for being the bigger CHristian.  Amen

Ethiopia -

Ethiopia's fast-growing capital aims to become greener and cleaner


    Cars drive out of an underpass in Addis Ababa
    View photo

    Cars drive out of an underpass in Addis Ababa May 26, 2014. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri

    ADDIS ABABA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Ethiopia's capital city, Addis Ababa, has a name that means "new flower" but for up to four million people living there, it's more likely to conjure up images of worsening pollution and traffic gridlock.
    The city administration started rolling out a 10-year master plan in 2012 aiming to make the rapidly developing city in Africa's fastest-growing economy greener, cleaner and pleasant to live in. Many residents aren't convinced it is working yet.
    Alemu Dagne, 48, an engineer and father of two, says he misses the clean air of the once-sleepy city.
    "Every day I have to set out for work at 6 am (on public transport) and commute back home starting early at 4pm, as the road is clogged with cars, which not only crowd the roads but also pollute the air," he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
    He hopes the city's new light rail system, powered by electricity - with the first stage scheduled for launch in January - will provide a cleaner, faster mode of travel.
    Asamenewe Tekleyohanes, legal affairs officer at the Addis Ababa City Government Environmental Protection Authority, said the capital suffers four types of pollution: air, water, soil and noise.
    His organisation is working on a study with a local green group on air pollution, especially from cars, and looking at potential technologies to reduce it.
    The authority says it has overseas tools to measure the greenhouse gas emissions of the city, the nation's economic hub.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Friday, October 17, 2014

    October 17, 2014 Friday

    AM Yoga, the best!

    Jonah - chapter 1 - you remember the story of Jonah, God asked him to go to Nineveh and save the people there.  He didn't want to so he bought passage on a boat out of town.  God knew he was there and caused a great storm until the other sailors tossed him overboard so they would be saved.  Another sacrificial sheep.  But God saved him, in the belly of a fish.  There is a lot of lessons in this story, starting with, you can't get away from God.

    On this day:
    2010 - I love fall days that are a little cool, and pretty with all the fall colors.  A day when people have pumpkins and Halloween décor out on their porches and a pot of chili cooking in the kitchen.  How about you?

    1989 - An earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter Scale hit the San Francisco Bay area in California. The quake caused about 67 deaths, 3,000 injuries, and damages up to $7 billion. I have an extreme fear of this happening, and won't go to California.

    Parenting - A friend went to court this week to insure that a man that exposed himself to her daughter and other obscenities to many others would stay in prison for the remainder of his natural life.  Good job!

    Book update - My book includes this experience as well.  As in most things, I chose to explain it with humor, but it's not a funny situation in reality.

    Ethiopia - Trafficking 
    Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery
    In the early years of the 21st Century                                          
    Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
    Ethiopia's poverty-stricken economy is based on agriculture, accounting for almost half of GDP, 60% of exports, and 80% of total employment. The agricultural sector suffers from frequent drought and poor cultivation practices.  [The World Factbook, U.S.C.I.A. 2009]
    Description: Description: Ethiopia
    Ethiopia is a source country for men, women, and children trafficked primarily for the purposes of forced labor and, to a lesser extent, for commercial sexual exploitation. Rural Ethiopian children are trafficked for domestic servitude and, less frequently, for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor in agriculture, traditional weaving, gold mining, street vending, and begging. - U.S. State Dept Trafficking in Persons Report, June, 2009 [full country report]
    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  You most likely have a good life.

    Wednesday, October 15, 2014

    October 15, 2014 Wednesday

    Denise Austin and I did some weight lifting this morning. 

    Matthew chapter 8 and 9 - Jesus healed a leper and called Matthew to follow him.  There are things we need to be healed from, one is sickness and the other more important is sin.  He can do both.  Have faith.

    On this day:
    2005 - Nicole and Adam went up and stayed at Michi lu ca because they were going to do a camp event at a church in Cheboygan.  Because they are selling this camp and we are going to a meeting tomorrow night about saving it, this seemed important.  We all loved this camp but honestly it needs to be used to it's potential.  Pray for guidance.

    1860 - Grace Bedell, 11 years old, wrote a letter to presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln. The letter stated that Lincoln would look better if he would grow a beard. As we know he listened.

    Parenting - Took mom to have her ears checked.  She says her hearing is fine that Nicole and I talk soft so that she can't hear us.  They found a Q tip particle lodged in her left ear, I have to take her to an ear nose and throat doctor to have it removed.  Life is weird isn't it?  Who knew.

    Ethiopia - health
    Metrics of health in Ethiopia are among the world's worst due to poverty which leads to poor parental care and infections. According to the U.S. government, Ethiopia's health care system is wholly inadequate, even after recent improvements.[1] The Ethiopian government has launched a campaign to improve the health care system.  Something else I didn't know.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Tuesday, October 14, 2014

    October 14, 2014 Tuesday

    My trainer was Kathy Smith today.  Aerobics with a real good warm up and stretch. 

    2 Corinthians chapter 4 - This is a good reading for someone that feels overburdened with life.  All our trials here will be over.  While here we live by faith and not by sight.  It is hard considering what we have to look at everyday.  Turn off the TV and pray for awhile.  God has a home and new garments ready for us in the future.  He sent the Spirit to strengthen you.

    On this day:
    2003 - so eleven years ago, it was a Tuesday and we had very heavy rain as predicted for today.  It would be interesting to be a weatherologist, or whatever they are called and keep charts and records to follow patterns and history.  But that's just me.  I came home from work early and washed the kitchen floor, not as interesting.

    1964 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent resistance to racial prejudice in America. He was the youngest person to receive the award. This has been largely forgotten, lately.

    Parenting - I did not allow my kids out to roam the street at night.  If they did it was not with my knowledge.  I hung out in the streets enough to know what can happen along with the personality traits that that behavior develops.  If your child claims that they HAVE to have a soda/pop at 9:30 at night and they want to go out and get one, tell them no.  Tell them they can't hang with their friends on the street corner.  Or has it already passed the point where they ask you?

    Book Club - As I write this story I realize how intense and dramatic teenage years are.  It is a time that can make or break you, give you a future or take it away. 

    Ethiopia - child welfare

    Child Protection

    Ethiopia’s children make up 55% of the population, whilst young people (ages 15-29) are about 30% of Ethiopia’s population of 82 million. About 84% of the country’s children are engaged in activities that may be regarded as child labour. Behind every statistic is a human being who deserves a better life. We, at UNICEF Ethiopia, are working to do just that. 
    The child protection programme focuses on building and strengthening an integrated child-focused social welfare and protection system to support interventions that will ensure that the justice system better serves and protects children, whether victims, witnesses or alleged offenders. It will strengthen youth empowerment and reduce HIV incidence among the adolescents most at risk.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Monday, October 13, 2014

    October 13, 2014 Monday Columbus Day

    Did some ballet this morning.  Now I get to act like a prima ballerina all day. Not sure whether ballet is good for your knee health or not. 

    Proverbs chapter 25 - basically about keeping your mouth shut unless you know what the right thing to say is.  Let me read this again.

    On this day:
    2002 - We all love our pets.  I honestly don't trust people that don't like animals.  I have had parakeets in addition to dogs and cats and I loved them almost as much as a dog or cat.  They aren't typically real cuddly, but they do endear themselves to you.  Binky had a small vocabulary, but he did talk. On this day he went to birdy heaven to join my other parakeet Mickey that I had for 21 years.  Pets add dimension to your life and life to your home, I think.  One cat is enough Nicole.

    1957 - Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra introduced the Ford Edsel on an hour long special. Bet this was a great show!

    Parenting - raising up a child and/or the method of rearing a child.  That's the definition of parenting.  I wonder how many couples sit down and say "what are our plans for raising a child"?  I think most of us go into it blind only to discover later we have very different child raising ideas.  Most often I think it works out, with the father saying, "oh well, she's got this" and backing off.  I think I am seeing a change in this, where more dads are actively involved in decision making.  Or did I just dream that?

    Book Club - getting more people involved in the memories from these years in hopes of expanding the story.

    Ethiopia - National holidays?
    Best Time to Visit Ethiopia? - When to Visit Ethiopia
    Orthodox christian festivals are the most prominent and visible in Ethiopia, despite the fact that 35% of the population is Muslim. It's also good to have a guide who can tell you exactly what is going on during the processions. October to March is the best time to plan a trip to Ethiopia's stunni... More »

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Sunday, October 12, 2014

    October 12, 2014 Sunday

    Going to church with Mom this morning and then to the Fall Festival in the church gym after for lunch and pumpkins.

    On this day:
    1999 - This is the first time I recall seeing that I was emailing someone.  It seems like the computer has always been in the house when actually it hasn't been that long since it took over my life.  I was doing some reports for the Board of Youth at church and that's how it starts.  Now I'm probably on 4 to 6 hours a day.

    1492 - Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer, sighted Watling Island in the Bahamas. He believed that he had found Asia while attempting to find a Western ocean route to India. The same day he claimed the land for Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain. Ok  In his defense, no GPS or gas stations to stop at for directions.

    Parenting - I like Sundays at home with family.  Football on TV, something cooking in the kitchen and Nicole asleep on the couch.  I'm sure she will be tired after driving home from up north after the wedding yesterday.  How do you spend Sundays?  Trying to get all the stuff done because you aren't home during the week? Or going some place with the kids for family time.  Enjoy whatever you do!

    Ethiopia - Religion
    Short Fat and Ginger

    Ok so primarily Christian.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Friday, October 10, 2014

    October 10, 2014 Friday

    Did some dancing with Rita Marino.   Remember her from West Side Story?  Well we did a little salsa, samba, rhumba  and weights.  Nice way to wake up the muscles and energy!

    Mark chapter 6 - this is the story of feeding 5, 000 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.  We try to find earthly reasons for this working - but with God all things are possible.  You can do less than this with the same results. 

    On this day:
    1975 - Waynette and I went to the Holiday Inn to hear Tom King and Judy Dery entertain.  Judy was later in the play Menopause the Musical, she was the earth mother and she is still active on TV ads and out at Meadowbrook.  Keep an eye out for her.  Waynette and I also went to a place called The Trio out on Northwestern Hwy. after.  I don't believe it is there anymore, maybe under a different  name, but it was a neat place back then.  What are some of your old haunts?

    1957 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower apologized to Komla Agbeli Gbdemah, the finance minister of Ghana, after the official had been refused service in a Dover, DE, restaurant. What an embarrassment. 

    Parenting - I admit I have a mixed bag of beliefs.  I have always believed in equality for races, genders and life styles.  On the other hand I do not believe in entitlement for anyone to have those equalities. Achieve what you can, live the life you want and don't expect anyone  else to be responsible for any of it.  You will be happier with yourself and less disappointed in others.

    Ethiopia  -  Music

    Hope this is the right one.  Loved this video!  Hope you can watch it!

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!    Happy Birthday Jesse and Rena!!

    Thursday, October 9, 2014

    October 9, 2014 Thursday Leif Erickson Day ??

    That 2 year old tired me out yesterday.  Slept in today.  Maybe a walk later.

    John the Gospel - chapter 16 - Jesus spoke plainly to his disciples about who he is.  The Son of God.
    We are not promised a rich easy existence here, we are promised peace of heart and mind.  This life is all about how you perceive it - glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty.  "In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."  verse 33.

    On this day:
    2010 On this day a lot of years I was working the craft show at church.  Every year each circle had a different task, on this one Grace Circle had the door admission.  Mom's circle Hope, had the lunch. They gave up doing the craft shows, apparently people aren't excited about handmade kitchen towels anymore.  My friend Monna has taken the lead position with Mom's group as they are all in their 90's now and only one is capable of doing any tasks.  Yesterday Monna took Mom to her circle meeting along with the cake I baked, and I got to keep Abel, Monna's grandson.  Nice trade huh?

    1635 - Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, was banished from Massachusetts because he had spoken out against punishments for religious offenses and giving away land that belonged to the Indians. Williams had founded Providence, Rhode Island as a place for people to seek religious freedom. First guy to fight the system?  Did he also write that song, Trailer for sale or rent?

    Parenting - AND I got Abel for the day.  What a great happy kid.  We played outside for most of the 3 hours he was here.  We did go in when any of the lawn services showed up in the area (even a couple houses down) because, his Papa told him to go in the house when someone is cutting the lawn.  He would watch out the window until they left and then announce "outside".  When I was exhausted and sat on the swing outside he came and took my hand "play".  Great up bringing on this guy!  And a great physical trainer.

    Dʿmt[edit]  ETHIOPIA

    Main article: Dʿmt
    Temple at Yeha, possible capital of D'mt.
    The first kingdom known to have existed in Ethiopia was the kingdom of D'mt, with its capital at Yeha, where a Sabaean style temple was built around 700 BC. It rose to power around the 10th century BC. The D'mt kingdom was influenced by the Sabaeans in Yemen, however it is not known to what extent. While it was once believed that D'mt was a Sabaean colony, it is now believed that Sabaean influence was minor, limited to a few localities, and disappeared after a few decades or a century, perhaps representing a trading or military colony in some sort of symbiosis or military alliance with the civilization of Dʿmt or some other proto-Aksumite state.[21][22] Few inscriptions by or about this kingdom survive and very little archaeological work has taken place. As a result, it is not known whether Dʿmt ended as a civilization before Aksum's early stages, evolved into the Aksumite state, or was one of the smaller states united in the Aksumite kingdom possibly around the beginning of the 1st century.[23] 

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Wednesday, October 8, 2014

    Octoer 8, 2014 Wednesday Full Hunters moon

    Pilates for dummies.  I still do this one because I'm still a dummy.  Lol  I really do like Pilates, easy on the knees and back, great core exercise.  What's not to like about laying on your back and exercising?

    Psalm 62 - It's lonely at the top.  King David didn't make a lot of friends, he had to depend on God for his peace and rest.  You can trust God to stay with you when you are a lowly shepherd or a king.

    On this day:
    1994 - 10 years ago today, Mom moved in with me.  Nicole had gone off to college and Mom had not been well so I had her move in.  She was 82 then, a lot has happened, it is a good thing she is here.

    Parenting - I get to babysit Abel today, so I looked for my Halloween books to read him.  He loves books.  Yay!  In looking through those books a lot of memories were stirred up.  When Nicole came in from the bar, lol, I had her sit down and I read her some of her favorite ones, and she remembered them by heart.  Happy memories, not for the Aunt that got fried in the pan though.  They have probably banned those books for children now.

    Book writing - talked to my friend yesterday that I shared living through the 60's with.  When I told her what I was writing about and assuring her I changed the names, she shared some additional memories.  Funny stuff.

    Ethiopia -


    Ethiopia is widely considered the site of the emergence of anatomically modern humans, Homo sapiens sapiens, in the Middle Paleolithic 200,000 years ago. The earliest known modern human bones were found in Southwestern Ethiopia, and are called the Omo remains.[39] Additionally, skeletal remains of Homo sapiens idaltu were found at a site in the Middle Awash in Ethiopia. Dated to around 160,000 years ago, they may represent an extinct subspecies of Homo sapiens sapiens, or the immediate ancestors of anatomically modern humans.[40]
    According to linguists, the first Afro-Asiatic-speaking populations arrived in the region during the ensuing Neolithic era from the family's proposed urheimat ("original homeland") in the Nile Valley,[41] or the Near East.[42] Other scholars propose that the Afro-Asiatic family developed in situ in the Horn, with its speakers subsequently dispersing from there.[43]

    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday to Cameron and Blake!

    Tuesday, October 7, 2014

    October 7, 2014 Tuesday

    Did some aerobics this morning.  A glass of water and even 1/2 hour of aerobics get my metabolism started in the morning.  I notice the difference in my energy if I don't do something.

    Ephesians chapter 5 - It is hard to live Godly lives, I'm proof that God understands.  He stays with me, supports me, comforts me and loves me despite the fact that I do not appear to live the Godly life.  If you watch NCIS imagine getting the head slap from Gibbs.  I get it from God all the time.

    On this day:
    1990 - I have always been busy and quite often load up a day with plenty to do.  Andy and I took Lindsey and Nicole to the zoo.  This is a great time of the year to go, the animals are much more active and out of the dark hiding places they go in the summer to keep cool.  I can't help but wonder where Alice and Merri were this day.  Later when we got home, Mark and I took Nicole down to our friends, the Logan's, boat and ran down the river to Sindbads for dinner.  Haven't been there in a while, they have great chili!  The zoo and Sindbads, now there is a day!

    1994 - U.S. President Clinton dispatched an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf when Iraqi troops were spotted moving toward Kuwait. The U.S. Army was also put on alert. This has been going on too long don't you think?

    Parenting - Went to a meeting last night to hear Mary talk about her and John's experiences as Foster Care parents.  It wasn't exactly an invitation to join the Foster Care program, but it certainly was an eye opener as to how much is needed in this program.  Those of us that love our children can't imagine doing what has happened to so many of these children.  Thank God for people like John and Mary that took in infant after infant and gave them an extra dose of love to have them then returned to abusive or negligent family.  There are many programs designed to help foster kids or disposable children as they are often called.  Providing clothes, scholarships and prayer are ways you can help if you can't take a child in.  Go to to find a way.

    Ethiopia - history
    The name Ethiopia also occurs in many translations of the Old Testament, but the Hebrew texts have Kush, which refers principally to Nubia.[36] In the New Testament, however, the Greek term Aithiops, 'an Ethiopian', does occur,[37] referring to a servant of Candace or Kentakes, possibly an inhabitant of Meroe which was later conquered and destroyed by the Kingdom of Axum. The earliest attested use of the name Ityopya in the region itself is as a name for the Kingdom of Aksum in the 4th century, in stone inscriptions of King Ezana,[38] who first Christianized the entire apparatus of the kingdom.  wow, not sure that was interesting.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Vinny!

    Monday, October 6, 2014

    October 6, 2014 Monday Child health day

    Started this week off with an ab workout, not just for keeping the abs flat (which they are not) but to strengthen the back to avoid that back pain that we are so often having.  Come on just do 10 or 20.  Sit ups or crunches, or whatever you can do.

    Jeremiah - chapter 20 -  "the Lord is with me as a mighty, awesome One."  Poor Jeremiah, his problems were his friends heckling him about his faith.  Pick new friends?  What about sharing your faith?  It is easier to just stay in a circle of believers, but I don't think that is what Jesus did.

    On this day:
    1985 - Nicole was just 5 months old, but I had Aaron, Merri and Lindsey on this day.  I loved having the kids here and it seems they were here quite often.  Adele picked up the girls in the afternoon and then Cathy came to pick up Aaron in the evening.  It was so empty when they left.  But I always got to keep Nicole. :)

    1847 - "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte was first published in London. Great book!

    Parenting - Going to a Women of the Church meeting tonight and a friend of mine Mary, is presenting a talk on Foster Care   Throwaway kids??  This family has adopted quite a few disposed children.  She knows what she is talking about.  Looking forward to it.

    Ethiopia - more history:
    Ethiopia is one of the founding members of the UN, the Group of 24 (G-24), the Non-Aligned Movement, G-77 and the Organisation of African Unity, with Addis Ababa serving as the headquarters of the African Union, the Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the UNECA, African Aviation Training HQ, the African Standby Force and much of global NGOs focused on Africa. Despite being the main source of the Nile, the longest river on earth, Ethiopia underwent a series of famines in the 1980s, exacerbated by civil wars and adverse geopolitics. The country has begun to recover recently, and it now has the largest economy by GDP in East Africa and Central Africa

    Sunday, October 5, 2014

    October 5, 2014 Sunday

    John  - chapter 10 - verse 11 "I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."  Just a reminder that it is Sunday and your shepherd calls.

    On this day:
    1968 - If things had worked out - I would have  been married to Don Michie 46 years today.  My hat is off to those who have celebrated long years of marriage together. 

    1921 - The World Series was broadcast on the radio for the first time. The game was between the New York Giants and the New York Yankees. That time of the year!  Hopes for the Tigers is fading.  I didn't get married this year, sorry.  They have won the pennant twice in my lifetime, the years I got married - 1968 and 1984.

    Parenting - Take your kid to the ball game  - baseball, football, hockey, whatever, great time together!

    Ethiopia -  more history:
    The earliest possible mention of Ethiopia in records was by the Ancient Egyptians who may have referred to it as the Land of Punt. The earliest kingdom to rise to power in Ethiopia was the Sabean influenced D'mt in the 10th century BC, which established its capital in Yeha. In the first century AD the Aksumite Kingdom rose to power in Tigray Region with its capital at Aksum and grew into a major power on the Red Sea, subjugating Yemen and Meroe and converting to Christianity in the early fourth century. The Aksumite empire fell into decline with the rise of Islam, forcing the Ethiopians to move south into the highlands for refuge. The Aksumites gave way to the Zagwe Dynasty who established a new capital at Lalibela, before giving way to the Solomonic Dynasty in the 13th century. During the early Solomonic period Ethiopia went through military reforms and imperial expansion that made it dominate the Horn of Africa. Portuguese missionaries arrived at this time

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Anniversary Don!  RIP

    Saturday, October 4, 2014

    October 4, 2014 Saturday Yom Kipper

    Weight watchers has been a very effective program for a lot of people.  So often we don't stick to the program and end up back where we started.  Keep trying, to be healthy, keep in shape and stay alive for the future, especially grand children!  Weight Watchers have videos out that you can exercise to, the one I did today is Get Started.  Aerobics and weights.

    Psalm 136 - "Oh, give thanks to the Lord for He is good!  His mercy endures forever."  When all else fails. God does not.

    On this day:
    2013 - Debbie, Sue, Waynette and I went up to Michi-lu-ca for a women's retreat.  Now that the news is out that the camp is being sold, I am so glad that we got up there for a visit.  What a beautiful place and what very fond memories I have of that place.  We girls had a very fun weekend up there!  Don't miss an opportunity to visit out other camp, Stony Lake, so that you don't have to be sorry when it's gone.  Support Living Water Ministries!

    1535 - The first complete English translation of the Bible was printed in Zurich, Switzerland. Ok I admit this is huge to me!!!

    Parenting - Neither of my friends that this is about read my blog, but I will share this anyway.  One friend has a niece that she feels is not in a good place, the girl is 11 or 12.  She is middle school, which I think is a very trying age for child and family alike.  She tries to give this girl the support and love that she can, but is being treated like a meddlesome mother by the girl. (who has no mother)  The other friend is involved with the girl by doing "fun" things that the girl likes and so, is the favored person right now.  It has caused a rift between the two friends.  I can stand back and say both are interested and helping the girl get through this stressful age, but can't mend the problem between the two women.  Woe is me.  Maybe when they go on vacation next month - together? 

    Ethiopia - more history
    Some of the oldest evidence for modern humans is found in Ethiopia,[9] which is widely considered the region from which Homo sapiens first set out for the Middle East and points beyond.[10][11][12] Tracing its roots to the 2nd millennium BCE, Ethiopia was a monarchy for most of its history. During the first centuries of the Common Era the Kingdom of Aksum maintained a unified civilization in the region.[13][14][15][16] 

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!