Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014 Monday

AM Yoga this morning.  Great start to the day!

Luke chapter 15 - Jesus tells of the parable of the lost sheep.  WE are the lost sheep.  The angels in heaven rejoice when we repent.  Make an angels day today!

On this day:
2005 - After work I went to the hospital to see my boss.  He wasn't happy to see me.  He had a double heart bypass and was lucky to be alive.  His daughter was the only one that stayed with him at the hospital.  He hasn't changed any of his lifestyle.  I hear he is in worse shape than before.  Do you know someone?  Usually a guy, that has health issues that have spiraled out of control?  I know quite a few of them.  Wish we had a magic pill to fix that.  Wish they would listen to reason.

1904 - The New York subway system officially opened. It was the first rapid-transit subway system in America. It is too bad that Detroit never expanded  the mass transit system to more then buses.  Maybe now with all the open space in Detroit they should look into it.  I realize Detroit is all about cars, but everyone that can have one, has one now.  Lets move ahead.

Parenting - Cheers to my daughter that has worked so hard the last week, both at her job and at home getting the bedrooms switched.  We were both so tired on Saturday after moving all the dressers and moms bed, that at the end after trying to get the loft into the downstairs bedroom, we collapsed.  I went out and got us each a beer and with the loft frame wedged in my bookshelf, outside the bedroom and the other two legs lodged in the bedroom closet, we were done.  Don and Jameson came to our rescue and saved the day. Thanks Nicole for all your hard work! And thanks to Don and Jameson.


Sports and recreation

Ethiopia is best known for its excellence in track events, and the international triumphs of Ethiopian runners have lifted the spirits of a people deeply aggrieved by the effects of political conflicts, social upheaval, and environmental disasters. The country’s Olympic debut came at the 1956 Melbourne Games, but it was Abebe Bikila’s epic barefooted Olympic marathon victory through the streets of Rome in 1960 that thrust Ethiopian athletes into the global sporting limelight. By winning at the 1964 Tokyo Games (this time wearing shoes), he became the first athlete to win consecutive Olympic marathons. At the 1968 Mexico City Games, Ethiopia claimed a third consecutive marathon gold on the performance of Mamo Wolde. Miruts Yifter won gold medals in the men’s 5,000- and 10,000-metre events at the 1980 Moscow Games. (Ethiopia joined boycotts of both the 1976 and 1984 Summer Games.) Haile Gebrselassie was the dominant long-distance runner of the 1990s and captured the gold medal in the 10,000-metre events at both the 1996 Atlanta Games and the 2000 Sydney Games. Millon Wolde and Gezanhegne Abera also took gold medals at the Sydney Games, in the 5,000-metre race and the marathon, respectively. Kenenisa Bekele dominated in the 2000s, taking the gold medal in the 10,000-metre race in the 2004 Athens Games and in the 5,000-metre and 10,000-metre events at the 2008 Beijing Games.  Everyone is good at something!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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