Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28, 2014 Tuesday

It is so important to keep those abs strong for your lower back.  There are a million ways to keep them toned, find one and work at it.  I did the Pilates with the steel ring this morning.  I need a variety of ways to keep my muscles from knowing what I am doing.  Do what works for you!

Ecclesiastes  chapter 5 - Riches are meaningless.  You can't take it with you.  "Whoever loves money never had enough"    God provides, more to some then others.  We are so blessed in this country, but there are a lot that have little.  Think about sharing something today,

On this day:
2006 - My girlfriends at church met at church to set up for the "kitchen shower" we planned  to supply the new kitchen in our building.  You might think that is like adding more work to an already busy schedule, but it is different.  I have been enjoying the company of girls - Grace Circle, for almost 20 years.  Some have come and gone.  We met last night for desert and Bible study.  It is extended family and I enjoy them all.  If you are missing some involvement, friends or depth in your life, church social groups are a good place to get involved.

1965 - Pope Paul VI issued a decree absolving Jews of collective guilt for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. What do you think about that?

Parenting - I have a deep desire to be all and everything to everyone.  If you need help with babysitting, elder sitting, dog sitting, prayers for better health, moving into a new home, painting, throwing you a wedding shower,  baby shower, birthday party, if you need money for anything I would love to give it to you.  I think about these things all the time, but alas I cannot physically, emotionally or financially do these things.  It is a disappointment to me.  I can't help believe that everyone feels the same way, I know a lot of my friends do and some are very good at accomplishing quite a bit of this.  We can only do so much for so many, but I want you to all know that I want to.  Is that what they mean when they say "she meant well".  It is especially true of our children, we would like to provide everything, but it is not the best thing for them.

Ethiopia is one of the World's poorest countries. Out of a population of around 80 million (2008) people, 35 million people are living in abject poverty. In one of the world's poorest countries, where about 44 per cent of the population lives under the poverty line, more than 12 million people are chronically or at least periodically food insecure.
Most of them live in rural areas with agriculture as their main occupation. With 80% of Ethiopians dependent on agriculture as their main livelihood, severe arid conditions due to persistent lack of rainfall coupled with civil disputes have worsened Ethiopian poverty.

All efforts have been made to improve conditions in Ethiopia but things have hardly changed. The extremely poor people comprise of the small and marginal farmers.  This might be a good place to help today!.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!!!

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