Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014 Monday Child health day

Started this week off with an ab workout, not just for keeping the abs flat (which they are not) but to strengthen the back to avoid that back pain that we are so often having.  Come on just do 10 or 20.  Sit ups or crunches, or whatever you can do.

Jeremiah - chapter 20 -  "the Lord is with me as a mighty, awesome One."  Poor Jeremiah, his problems were his friends heckling him about his faith.  Pick new friends?  What about sharing your faith?  It is easier to just stay in a circle of believers, but I don't think that is what Jesus did.

On this day:
1985 - Nicole was just 5 months old, but I had Aaron, Merri and Lindsey on this day.  I loved having the kids here and it seems they were here quite often.  Adele picked up the girls in the afternoon and then Cathy came to pick up Aaron in the evening.  It was so empty when they left.  But I always got to keep Nicole. :)

1847 - "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte was first published in London. Great book!

Parenting - Going to a Women of the Church meeting tonight and a friend of mine Mary, is presenting a talk on Foster Care   Throwaway kids??  This family has adopted quite a few disposed children.  She knows what she is talking about.  Looking forward to it.

Ethiopia - more history:
Ethiopia is one of the founding members of the UN, the Group of 24 (G-24), the Non-Aligned Movement, G-77 and the Organisation of African Unity, with Addis Ababa serving as the headquarters of the African Union, the Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the UNECA, African Aviation Training HQ, the African Standby Force and much of global NGOs focused on Africa. Despite being the main source of the Nile, the longest river on earth, Ethiopia underwent a series of famines in the 1980s, exacerbated by civil wars and adverse geopolitics. The country has begun to recover recently, and it now has the largest economy by GDP in East Africa and Central Africa

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