Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014 Monday Columbus Day

Did some ballet this morning.  Now I get to act like a prima ballerina all day. Not sure whether ballet is good for your knee health or not. 

Proverbs chapter 25 - basically about keeping your mouth shut unless you know what the right thing to say is.  Let me read this again.

On this day:
2002 - We all love our pets.  I honestly don't trust people that don't like animals.  I have had parakeets in addition to dogs and cats and I loved them almost as much as a dog or cat.  They aren't typically real cuddly, but they do endear themselves to you.  Binky had a small vocabulary, but he did talk. On this day he went to birdy heaven to join my other parakeet Mickey that I had for 21 years.  Pets add dimension to your life and life to your home, I think.  One cat is enough Nicole.

1957 - Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra introduced the Ford Edsel on an hour long special. Bet this was a great show!

Parenting - raising up a child and/or the method of rearing a child.  That's the definition of parenting.  I wonder how many couples sit down and say "what are our plans for raising a child"?  I think most of us go into it blind only to discover later we have very different child raising ideas.  Most often I think it works out, with the father saying, "oh well, she's got this" and backing off.  I think I am seeing a change in this, where more dads are actively involved in decision making.  Or did I just dream that?

Book Club - getting more people involved in the memories from these years in hopes of expanding the story.

Ethiopia - National holidays?
Best Time to Visit Ethiopia? - When to Visit Ethiopia
Orthodox christian festivals are the most prominent and visible in Ethiopia, despite the fact that 35% of the population is Muslim. It's also good to have a guide who can tell you exactly what is going on during the processions. October to March is the best time to plan a trip to Ethiopia's stunni... More »

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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