Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 7, 2014 Tuesday

Did some aerobics this morning.  A glass of water and even 1/2 hour of aerobics get my metabolism started in the morning.  I notice the difference in my energy if I don't do something.

Ephesians chapter 5 - It is hard to live Godly lives, I'm proof that God understands.  He stays with me, supports me, comforts me and loves me despite the fact that I do not appear to live the Godly life.  If you watch NCIS imagine getting the head slap from Gibbs.  I get it from God all the time.

On this day:
1990 - I have always been busy and quite often load up a day with plenty to do.  Andy and I took Lindsey and Nicole to the zoo.  This is a great time of the year to go, the animals are much more active and out of the dark hiding places they go in the summer to keep cool.  I can't help but wonder where Alice and Merri were this day.  Later when we got home, Mark and I took Nicole down to our friends, the Logan's, boat and ran down the river to Sindbads for dinner.  Haven't been there in a while, they have great chili!  The zoo and Sindbads, now there is a day!

1994 - U.S. President Clinton dispatched an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf when Iraqi troops were spotted moving toward Kuwait. The U.S. Army was also put on alert. This has been going on too long don't you think?

Parenting - Went to a meeting last night to hear Mary talk about her and John's experiences as Foster Care parents.  It wasn't exactly an invitation to join the Foster Care program, but it certainly was an eye opener as to how much is needed in this program.  Those of us that love our children can't imagine doing what has happened to so many of these children.  Thank God for people like John and Mary that took in infant after infant and gave them an extra dose of love to have them then returned to abusive or negligent family.  There are many programs designed to help foster kids or disposable children as they are often called.  Providing clothes, scholarships and prayer are ways you can help if you can't take a child in.  Go to LSSM.com to find a way.

Ethiopia - history
The name Ethiopia also occurs in many translations of the Old Testament, but the Hebrew texts have Kush, which refers principally to Nubia.[36] In the New Testament, however, the Greek term Aithiops, 'an Ethiopian', does occur,[37] referring to a servant of Candace or Kentakes, possibly an inhabitant of Meroe which was later conquered and destroyed by the Kingdom of Axum. The earliest attested use of the name Ityopya in the region itself is as a name for the Kingdom of Aksum in the 4th century, in stone inscriptions of King Ezana,[38] who first Christianized the entire apparatus of the kingdom.  wow, not sure that was interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Vinny!

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