Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 22, 2014 Wednesday

Have a sheet of exercises the physical therapist gave me.  Some help with range of arm motions, that really help and then there are some good standards, planking, warrior, downward facing dog and the triangle pose.  It is important to stay agile.  Don't sit!

Read from Psalm 139 - Here it talks about how God is not effected by the dark, He can see perfectly clear in the dark.  We on the other hand are afraid of what we can't see and in contrast will try to hide in the dark from what we fear.  God sees you and knows where you are. Thats not scary.

On this day:
Writing this book has conjured up a lot of old memories.  Life is interesting, yes a lot is humdrum, but everyday can provide a smile or sense of nostalgia.

1975 - Air Force Technical Sargeant Leonard Matvolich was discharged for publically announcing his homosexuality.  His tombstone reads "A gay Vietnam veteran - When I was in the military they gave me a medal for killing two men and discharged me for loving one."

Parenting - Walking in the dark - can be scary especially if you are at Michi lu ca, the camp that is deep woods and deep ravines, heavy wooded areas and lakes.  A place where  people walk in the dark and are brought to faith.  God helps you find your way, but up there a flashlight helps.

President: Mulatu Teshome Wirtu (2013)
Prime Minister: Hailemariam Desalegn (2012)
Land area: 432,310 sq mi (1,119,683 sq km); total area: 435,186 sq mi (1,127,127 sq km)
Population (2012 est.): 93,815,992 (growth rate: 3.18%); birth rate: 42.59/1000; infant mortality rate: 75.29/1000; life expectancy: 56.56; density per sq km: 69
Monetary unit: Birr
Flag of Ethiopia
  1. Ethiopia Main Page
  2. Mengistu Leads a Campaign of "Red Terror"
  3. War with Eritrea
  4. Ethiopia Lends Military Support to Neighbor Somalia
  5. Prime Minister Meles Zenawi Dies
  6. Mulatu Teshome Wirtu Named Fourth President

Read more: Ethiopia: Maps, History, Geography, Government, Culture, Facts, Guide & Travel/Holidays/Cities | Infoplease.com

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