Friday, October 17, 2014

October 17, 2014 Friday

AM Yoga, the best!

Jonah - chapter 1 - you remember the story of Jonah, God asked him to go to Nineveh and save the people there.  He didn't want to so he bought passage on a boat out of town.  God knew he was there and caused a great storm until the other sailors tossed him overboard so they would be saved.  Another sacrificial sheep.  But God saved him, in the belly of a fish.  There is a lot of lessons in this story, starting with, you can't get away from God.

On this day:
2010 - I love fall days that are a little cool, and pretty with all the fall colors.  A day when people have pumpkins and Halloween décor out on their porches and a pot of chili cooking in the kitchen.  How about you?

1989 - An earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter Scale hit the San Francisco Bay area in California. The quake caused about 67 deaths, 3,000 injuries, and damages up to $7 billion. I have an extreme fear of this happening, and won't go to California.

Parenting - A friend went to court this week to insure that a man that exposed himself to her daughter and other obscenities to many others would stay in prison for the remainder of his natural life.  Good job!

Book update - My book includes this experience as well.  As in most things, I chose to explain it with humor, but it's not a funny situation in reality.

Ethiopia - Trafficking 
Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery
In the early years of the 21st Century                                          
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Ethiopia's poverty-stricken economy is based on agriculture, accounting for almost half of GDP, 60% of exports, and 80% of total employment. The agricultural sector suffers from frequent drought and poor cultivation practices.  [The World Factbook, U.S.C.I.A. 2009]
Description: Description: Ethiopia
Ethiopia is a source country for men, women, and children trafficked primarily for the purposes of forced labor and, to a lesser extent, for commercial sexual exploitation. Rural Ethiopian children are trafficked for domestic servitude and, less frequently, for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor in agriculture, traditional weaving, gold mining, street vending, and begging. - U.S. State Dept Trafficking in Persons Report, June, 2009 [full country report]
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  You most likely have a good life.

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