Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 29, 2014 Wednesday

Aerobics with Kathy Smith.  I do not originate from a family of high activity.  My family is mostly sedentary and have all the related side effects.  Seeing this makes me want to keep active so that I can be healthy as long as possible and do the things I want to do.  If you have a history of being a couch potato - start slow, even a walk around the block to get you going, but break the habit.  You will be happy you did!

Jeremiah chapter 42 - Was not a bullfrog, he was a prophet.  The people requested that Jeremiah petition the Lord to advise them what they should do and after a period of time the Lord told Jeremiah what to tell them His decision was.  You don't need to be afraid to petition the Lord on your own behalf, but help, well it never hurts.  There are a small number of Kurds from Iraq going to fight ISIS in Turkey today.  They are confident they will win.  Add your prayers to God in their behalf for this act of courage against this evil.

On this day:
2007 - Nicole started work at Moosejaw.  Perfect place for her, clothes and equipment that she could relate to and young people to work with.  It was a perfect fit and in her normal fashion she met and kept friends from there.  That job set her up to get a job in Chicago and then later when she came home and began working at Fulex, she had the experience of warehouse shipping and organizing to bring to the job there.  Now, although she works in the office, a lot of days she is out in the warehouse getting orders shipped with the rest of them.  No job is unimportant or inconsequential, it can always lead to bigger, better things.  Working with all types of people sets you up to many paths in service and leadership.
1974 - U.S. President Gerald Ford signed a new law forbidding discrimination in credit applications on the basis of sex or marital status This was 6 years too late for me.  I had to come up with $800.00 extra because I was a SINGLE FEMALE.  It said so right on the mortgage.

Parenting - I made under $100 a week then.  Mind you houses were much cheaper.  I paid $12,500 for a two bedroom with a basement, shingle sided house with a 1 1/2 car garage.  I was 21.  I had not gone to college, so I didn't have student loans to pay off - or credit cards.  We used lay a way in those days, you didn't over extend yourself.  But I had a tough time coming up with the $800.00, but I did.  I consider that as a woman I had to be stronger and more flexible then a man to accomplish the same thing he did.  Times have changed, for the better I think.

Ethiopia - Few more days here then we move on!  Lets see more of the country:
Ethiopian Tourist Attractions It does have its beauty!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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