Saturday, October 18, 2014

October 18, 2014 Saturday Islamic New Year

Did some weight lifting and lunges.  Glad that's over.

1 Samuel  chapter 20 - Had to go back and read more background on this to understand it.  Good friends will find a way to take care of each other.  Our other best friend is Jesus.

On this day:
1967 - (yep my journals go back this far) My fiancée Don, had a cold, so I went to his house.  (?)  I took my Ouija board. Do you remember those?  Don's mom was Hungarian and believed in that stuff.  We always asked "who and when will I get married?"  "How many children will I have?"  I don't think it was ever right, but it sure freaked us out how it would move across the board didn't it?  Mine was up in the attic for a long time till I worked up the courage to throw it out.  Someone told me it was bad luck to get rid of it.  such nonsense.

1967 - The American League granted permission for the A's to move to Oakland. Also, new franchises were awarded to Kansas City and Seattle. Must have been a slow day for important news.

Parenting - Friends of Nicole's are getting married at Pastor Beebe's church today.  They had a hard time getting a church because Blake is a self acclaimed atheist.  I'm looking for help here, prayers that God will give him a big THWAP in the back of the head during the service (ala Gibbs style).
God Bless Pastor Beebe for being the bigger CHristian.  Amen

Ethiopia -

Ethiopia's fast-growing capital aims to become greener and cleaner


    Cars drive out of an underpass in Addis Ababa
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    Cars drive out of an underpass in Addis Ababa May 26, 2014. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri

    ADDIS ABABA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Ethiopia's capital city, Addis Ababa, has a name that means "new flower" but for up to four million people living there, it's more likely to conjure up images of worsening pollution and traffic gridlock.
    The city administration started rolling out a 10-year master plan in 2012 aiming to make the rapidly developing city in Africa's fastest-growing economy greener, cleaner and pleasant to live in. Many residents aren't convinced it is working yet.
    Alemu Dagne, 48, an engineer and father of two, says he misses the clean air of the once-sleepy city.
    "Every day I have to set out for work at 6 am (on public transport) and commute back home starting early at 4pm, as the road is clogged with cars, which not only crowd the roads but also pollute the air," he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
    He hopes the city's new light rail system, powered by electricity - with the first stage scheduled for launch in January - will provide a cleaner, faster mode of travel.
    Asamenewe Tekleyohanes, legal affairs officer at the Addis Ababa City Government Environmental Protection Authority, said the capital suffers four types of pollution: air, water, soil and noise.
    His organisation is working on a study with a local green group on air pollution, especially from cars, and looking at potential technologies to reduce it.
    The authority says it has overseas tools to measure the greenhouse gas emissions of the city, the nation's economic hub.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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