Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Octoer 8, 2014 Wednesday Full Hunters moon

Pilates for dummies.  I still do this one because I'm still a dummy.  Lol  I really do like Pilates, easy on the knees and back, great core exercise.  What's not to like about laying on your back and exercising?

Psalm 62 - It's lonely at the top.  King David didn't make a lot of friends, he had to depend on God for his peace and rest.  You can trust God to stay with you when you are a lowly shepherd or a king.

On this day:
1994 - 10 years ago today, Mom moved in with me.  Nicole had gone off to college and Mom had not been well so I had her move in.  She was 82 then, a lot has happened, it is a good thing she is here.

Parenting - I get to babysit Abel today, so I looked for my Halloween books to read him.  He loves books.  Yay!  In looking through those books a lot of memories were stirred up.  When Nicole came in from the bar, lol, I had her sit down and I read her some of her favorite ones, and she remembered them by heart.  Happy memories, not for the Aunt that got fried in the pan though.  They have probably banned those books for children now.

Book writing - talked to my friend yesterday that I shared living through the 60's with.  When I told her what I was writing about and assuring her I changed the names, she shared some additional memories.  Funny stuff.

Ethiopia -


Ethiopia is widely considered the site of the emergence of anatomically modern humans, Homo sapiens sapiens, in the Middle Paleolithic 200,000 years ago. The earliest known modern human bones were found in Southwestern Ethiopia, and are called the Omo remains.[39] Additionally, skeletal remains of Homo sapiens idaltu were found at a site in the Middle Awash in Ethiopia. Dated to around 160,000 years ago, they may represent an extinct subspecies of Homo sapiens sapiens, or the immediate ancestors of anatomically modern humans.[40]
According to linguists, the first Afro-Asiatic-speaking populations arrived in the region during the ensuing Neolithic era from the family's proposed urheimat ("original homeland") in the Nile Valley,[41] or the Near East.[42] Other scholars propose that the Afro-Asiatic family developed in situ in the Horn, with its speakers subsequently dispersing from there.[43]

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday to Cameron and Blake!

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