Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October 21,2014 Tuesday

Out of my element, maybe get a walk in if it stops raining.  Problem with not being home is you are away from your routine.  Being up here, with sedentary people is hard to not be the same.

Luke chapter 5 - Jesus came to save the sinners and the sick, the righteous and well don't need him.  We are not always well and righteous, we all need him.

On this day:
I can do an update  Last year on this day I mentioned it was Millie's birthday and we had gone to her party she was 90.  She is 95 now so there have been some changes.  Chris did sell Millie's  house and has her living with her.  Chris's husband Steve passed a couple years ago and although Millie is her mother in law, she is still her Mom and she will take care of her.  That is what family does.

1849 - The first tattoed man was put on exhibition in Franklin Theater in New York.  Not much attraction anymore, look around.

Parenting -   Our cat is so spoiled. like a two year old toddler.  Now here I have left him, home alone, for 5 days.  Nicole says he only bit her once last night.  I have traded for the cat here, Charley, who walks around the whole night screaming for HIS mother who is on a cruise.  How did this happen?

Book - brought my writing up here to have my brother add to the memories.  Not sure if its a good idea, but I guess I'll find out.

Go figure  66 degrees and partly cloudy today.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Hey Nicole I did it!

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