Friday, October 10, 2014

October 10, 2014 Friday

Did some dancing with Rita Marino.   Remember her from West Side Story?  Well we did a little salsa, samba, rhumba  and weights.  Nice way to wake up the muscles and energy!

Mark chapter 6 - this is the story of feeding 5, 000 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.  We try to find earthly reasons for this working - but with God all things are possible.  You can do less than this with the same results. 

On this day:
1975 - Waynette and I went to the Holiday Inn to hear Tom King and Judy Dery entertain.  Judy was later in the play Menopause the Musical, she was the earth mother and she is still active on TV ads and out at Meadowbrook.  Keep an eye out for her.  Waynette and I also went to a place called The Trio out on Northwestern Hwy. after.  I don't believe it is there anymore, maybe under a different  name, but it was a neat place back then.  What are some of your old haunts?

1957 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower apologized to Komla Agbeli Gbdemah, the finance minister of Ghana, after the official had been refused service in a Dover, DE, restaurant. What an embarrassment. 

Parenting - I admit I have a mixed bag of beliefs.  I have always believed in equality for races, genders and life styles.  On the other hand I do not believe in entitlement for anyone to have those equalities. Achieve what you can, live the life you want and don't expect anyone  else to be responsible for any of it.  You will be happier with yourself and less disappointed in others.

Ethiopia  -  Music

Hope this is the right one.  Loved this video!  Hope you can watch it!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!    Happy Birthday Jesse and Rena!!

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