Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 30, 2014 Thursday

Abs and arms today.  Do some sit ups and lift a couple weights.  Soup cans if that's all you have.

2 Corinthians  chapter 3 and 4 - It bothers me that the message is blocked from non-believers.  How can we share the Gospel with everyone if they are blocked from understanding the message.  It tells again how our message is our life.  A picture tells a thousand stories I guess.  If they won't listen show them.

 Keep your prayers going for the Kurdish soldiers, that God is with them.  The Turkish are waiting to see them, to see what kind of arms they have, pray for God's arms to be with them.

On this day:
2012 - I was looking into blogging and just getting started at this.  I haven't opened it up to all the possibilities I could, so I am only read by a select few.  I hope those of you that read it enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it.

1938 - Orson Welles' "The War of the Worlds" aired on CBS radio. The belief that the realistic radio dramatization was a live news event about a Martian invasion caused panic among listeners. What a great hoax!

Parenting - Hope you keep your kids in tonight.  I don't know anyone that allows their kids to go out on devils night anymore.  I did.  We egged houses and toilet papered trees and rang doorbells.  WE did not torch houses or do irreparable harm to anyone, but I guess it had to start some where.

Ethiopia - Last days here, get some souvenirs and pack up to leave for our next destination.
Addis Ababa Neighborhood Shopping Experience in EthiopiaAddis Ababa neighborhood shopping experience.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

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