Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 12, 2014 Sunday

Going to church with Mom this morning and then to the Fall Festival in the church gym after for lunch and pumpkins.

On this day:
1999 - This is the first time I recall seeing that I was emailing someone.  It seems like the computer has always been in the house when actually it hasn't been that long since it took over my life.  I was doing some reports for the Board of Youth at church and that's how it starts.  Now I'm probably on 4 to 6 hours a day.

1492 - Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer, sighted Watling Island in the Bahamas. He believed that he had found Asia while attempting to find a Western ocean route to India. The same day he claimed the land for Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain. Ok  In his defense, no GPS or gas stations to stop at for directions.

Parenting - I like Sundays at home with family.  Football on TV, something cooking in the kitchen and Nicole asleep on the couch.  I'm sure she will be tired after driving home from up north after the wedding yesterday.  How do you spend Sundays?  Trying to get all the stuff done because you aren't home during the week? Or going some place with the kids for family time.  Enjoy whatever you do!

Ethiopia - Religion
Short Fat and Ginger

Ok so primarily Christian.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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