Friday, October 24, 2014

October 24, 2014 Friday

Still up in Roscommon with limited exercise possibilities.  Did the sheet again Plank, Downward Dog, warrior etc.  Have to do something, sitting is killing my back.  Went for a drive up to Gaylord yesterday.  Too much sitting.

Titus - Was a young Pastor, sent out by Paul.  He speaks here of your life is your message. What message do you give of your self?  Let me think about that myself.

On this day:
2001 - The U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation that gave police the power to secretly search homes, tap all of a person's telephone conversation and track people's use of the Internet. This happened after the bombings of the world trade center and the pentagon, and the hero plane.  Do we feel put upon?  That our privacy is compromised?  I'm not worried about it, I have nothing to hide.  I feel I would bore someone to death if they were watching my habits.  Except maybe the traveling on line, they might wonder about that.  How about you?

Parenting - Heaven knows what the future brings for the next generation.  Life as I knew it has changed dramatically.  They will have to adjust and be party to whatever this life deals them.  I pray that the basics of Christianity are a  substantial part of the future.h




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