Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23, 2014 ThursdayOnf

Will definately get a walk in later today.  It is chilly up here but very refreshing and great pine smell.

Psalm 139 - the last part of the reading from yesterday.  Here, David is begging to be protected from his enemies, asking God to kill them and save him.  Thankfully we have Jesus that came along and told us to avoid confrontation and love our enemies.  How is that working for you?  We need to work harder at living our% lives in peace to achieve what God wanted us to be here, so we can be with him forever.

On this day:
Taking Mom up to Gaylord today to see her old house.  She talks about it all the time.  When you have such happy memories of a place it is nice to go and revisit it.  LIfe is 99% memory and 1% now. I like to remember.

1984 the NBC nightly news reported on the horrible drought in Ethiopia.

Book - Had my brother read some of the book.  He said it was good, maybe he was just being nice.


Holy Trinity Cathedral photographWhilst there are a diverse assortment of tourist attractions spread all over Ethiopia, it is fair to say that some really do stand out from the crowd. InAddis Ababa, St. George Cathedral is a particularly popular attraction and is known for its beautiful architecture.

In north Ethiopia, the city of Axum is famous for its magnificent Old Cathedral of St. Mary of Zion and Treasury, which is thought to be country's oldest church. Further tourist attractions await in the city of Gondar, which is also located on the northerly side of Ethiopia and is home to the much-admired Royal Enclosure (Fasil Ghebbi).

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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