Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 14, 2014 Tuesday

My trainer was Kathy Smith today.  Aerobics with a real good warm up and stretch. 

2 Corinthians chapter 4 - This is a good reading for someone that feels overburdened with life.  All our trials here will be over.  While here we live by faith and not by sight.  It is hard considering what we have to look at everyday.  Turn off the TV and pray for awhile.  God has a home and new garments ready for us in the future.  He sent the Spirit to strengthen you.

On this day:
2003 - so eleven years ago, it was a Tuesday and we had very heavy rain as predicted for today.  It would be interesting to be a weatherologist, or whatever they are called and keep charts and records to follow patterns and history.  But that's just me.  I came home from work early and washed the kitchen floor, not as interesting.

1964 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent resistance to racial prejudice in America. He was the youngest person to receive the award. This has been largely forgotten, lately.

Parenting - I did not allow my kids out to roam the street at night.  If they did it was not with my knowledge.  I hung out in the streets enough to know what can happen along with the personality traits that that behavior develops.  If your child claims that they HAVE to have a soda/pop at 9:30 at night and they want to go out and get one, tell them no.  Tell them they can't hang with their friends on the street corner.  Or has it already passed the point where they ask you?

Book Club - As I write this story I realize how intense and dramatic teenage years are.  It is a time that can make or break you, give you a future or take it away. 

Ethiopia - child welfare

Child Protection

Ethiopia’s children make up 55% of the population, whilst young people (ages 15-29) are about 30% of Ethiopia’s population of 82 million. About 84% of the country’s children are engaged in activities that may be regarded as child labour. Behind every statistic is a human being who deserves a better life. We, at UNICEF Ethiopia, are working to do just that. 
The child protection programme focuses on building and strengthening an integrated child-focused social welfare and protection system to support interventions that will ensure that the justice system better serves and protects children, whether victims, witnesses or alleged offenders. It will strengthen youth empowerment and reduce HIV incidence among the adolescents most at risk.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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